Home » There is more wood in the Celado area: 31 thousand euros more in the municipal coffers

There is more wood in the Celado area: 31 thousand euros more in the municipal coffers

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There is more wood in the Celado area: 31 thousand euros more in the municipal coffers

The deforestation and cleaning work carried out by the company revealed quantities that were higher than expected

ARSIE’ / The wood mass coming from the municipal forest of Celado-Campo was awarded to a forest company for 63,000 euros. Now, after two years, the Municipality, through the professional in charge, has discovered that the wood brought out as a result of the clearing works is more than that estimated and agreed upon. So he charges the company 31,000 540 euros more, which with VAT become over 36,000 euros. But it does not rush to the end of the removal and transport works downstream, despite the bark beetle’s diffusivity running fast.

Indeed, considering that extra works are needed for the purpose of soil reclamation, it grants the extension until 31 October next. “The company with which we signed the deed of sale of timber in 2020, has begun to remove material, cleaning up a large part of the area granted,” explains Mayor Luca Strappazzon. «It was precisely during the intervention, with the movement and turning of the land, that the designer and director of works on the wooded lots under our responsibility Orazio Andrich sent an update report indicating an increase in the quantity of wood to be taken. A considerable increase if from the initial estimate of 61 thousand 900 euros put on the basis of the auction, which became 63 thousand with the offer of the winning company, more than 31 thousand euros are added, net of VAT, which go into the cash register. It is also true that if there is an advantage for the institution, the other side of the coin is given by the disastrous effects of Vaia on the territory, effects of which damage continues to be discovered and counted even after years, not to say of parasite attacks that impose a race against time ».

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Already when the forced logging of the crashed plants was authorized, and it was in March 2020, the same had appeared to the workers undermined, in precarious conditions of balance and compromised. However, it was decided to proceed with the sale through the public auction system with the highest price procedure. And in July of that year the purchase contract was signed. The contract also takes into account the “accidents along the way”, ie the increases in the quantities of wood found during construction, with relative economic adjustments.

Thus the Municipality can collect the sum of 36 thousand 690 euros including VAT. Ten percent of this sum is allocated to the chapter “Forest improvements fund” in order, as evidenced in the office determination, “to improve the structure and biological functionality of the institution’s woods”. By the end of October, the remaining and the extra wood will have to be removed.

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