Home » September, good fitness resolutions, all the tips for getting back into shape – Beauty & Fitness

September, good fitness resolutions, all the tips for getting back into shape – Beauty & Fitness

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September, good fitness resolutions, all the tips for getting back into shape – Beauty & Fitness

Holidays are a precious time to relax mind and body, the snags at the table are also part of the relaxation we need and there is no need to worry about them. In September, getting back into shape, resuming sports activities are part of the ‘rules’, let’s call them the return to lengthen the psycho-physical benefits of the holidays and stay active. In the summer doing other things, including moving around with sports or activities that we don’t usually practice in the city is part of that break, that cut with the routine that is so good, a process known as “supercompensation“. But if the time for relaxation was a moment of pure enjoyment, even with food, perhaps going out to dinner more often, now comes the time to find balance. From the board to the practice of physical activity, here are some tips for September. Choosing to feel good through a positive lifestyle is a concept that goes beyond nutrition, which takes into account it but also physical activity and mindfulness. Because if you really want to feel good, nutrition and exercise are two essential factors. On the one hand, it involves eliminating harmful foods and inserting positive ones and on the other hand exercising moderately and consistently. Consistency is the key word, it doesn’t matter or in any case not only the duration of the exercise counts but the quality of the same and regular practice. No longer long and slow training sessions but playing with the intensity of the load, the most appropriate moments of the day and also making use of the resistance exercise. This not only can promote effective reduction of fat mass, better management of glycemic metabolism, bone health and cardiovascular and cognitive benefits but allows us to advance better with age, that is, more slowly and healthily.
Nutrition and training can change the expression of our genes. And this allows for better performance of the organism.
The goal is to focus on healthful aspects of nutritionthat is, they do well.
Eating should always be a pleasure but it is important to eat healthily, with meals that are balanced carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Yes, even the fats that must always be present. For too long they have been denigrated, but it is now known that the so-called good fats, such as raw extra virgin olive oil, must not be missing, which are also essential for blood coagulation, for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune system and for the ‘power. For balanced meals we start with a plate of vegetables, raw or steamed, grilled or baked. We then choose the type of protein fish, white meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit), eggs, vegetarian sources, low-fat cheeses, add an additional portion of vegetables, raw or cooked, to accompany and season raw with extra virgin olive oil, finishing the meal with fresh fruit.
Then the movement, walking to get around the city or doing it as a sporting activity maybe in the green early in the morning at a fast pace, using the bicycle as a means of transport, in addition to the real sport to do in the gym or home free body, constancy as we said before it is fundamental. To all this, to get back in shape and get us started again in September, we can combine a practice that is very good for the body and mind, namely the mindfulness , the ability to be in the present moment in an intentional and non-judgmental way. A greater inner awareness generates a better image of ourselves, of our body and this is one of the good intentions to follow. To get closer you can start trying yoga by yourself, through the many tutorials that the web is full of made by real fitness influencers, or with online lessons or books, to practice yoga.
The complexity of yoga postures is what it takes to live in the moment without thinking about anything else: having a careful and profound approach to complete a yoga figure is implicitly a teaching to mindfulness. Yoga in this sense is also a detox practice, we don’t have to think about the perfect position, to look beautiful and fit but we have to turn our attention inside ourselves, improving body awareness is what makes us feel satisfied, less critical towards of our body. It is no coincidence that yoga – as the researcher Elena Casiraghi, athlete and nutritional consultant points out – is also used in the aid treatments of eating disorders and in programs that promote both a positive self-image and self-esteem. Carving out during the year a weekly yoga session and / or a small routine of poses to be performed in the morning as soon as you wake up or in the evening before bedtime, can be a winning strategy to manage stress, remove negative energies and recharge the positive ones. welcoming the coming moment with the best attitude.

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