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“I’m fine but the road is long” – breaking latest news

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“I’m fine but the road is long” – breaking latest news
from Federica Bandirali

In an interview with the South African magazine News 24 the princess herself admits the difficult and critical moment for her health. My daily life now revolves around my children said the former swimmer

Charlene from Munich talks about her health conditions in an interview with the South African magazine “News24” and, for once, she reveals a cautious optimism without hiding her concern for the future. The former swimmer is doing all she can to recover strength and physical vigor after the serious ENT infection that forced her to stay 8 months in South Africa, away from her husband and children, and then another 5 months in a Swiss clinic to recover from the severe impact of the infection on your body. I had a hard time, but I was lucky enough to be supported and loved by my husband, my children and my family says Charlene My daily life now revolves around my children. The distance from her children was the element that most hurt Charlene who clings to them (busy between school, sailing courses and diving lessons) to get back in full shape as soon as possible.

Charlene of Monaco is not unbalanced on her health conditions even if, for the first time, she reveals a certain optimism. I feel much stronger physically. The road has been long, difficult and painful. I don’t want to go too fast, but today I feel calmer, she told the woman that she had three head surgeries in a few months. In her recovery she helped a lot by her faith (she recently met Pope Francis with her husband, It was an honor and a privilege) but also sports. Charlene returned to swimming and attending classes in a private gym.

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August 31, 2022 (change August 31, 2022 | 15:37)

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