Home » Lomellina, just Patrucchi for the first smile of the season

Lomellina, just Patrucchi for the first smile of the season

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Lomellina, just Patrucchi for the first smile of the season


A goal from Patrucchi against Lomellina was enough to beat Atletico Lomello 1-0 in a friendly derby played yesterday afternoon at the Fantelli stadium in Mede. For the team of Mr. Marco Cremonesi it was the second test of this pre-season, after the one played on Wednesday evening against the Piedmontese del Sale (1-3 in favor of the Alessandria team) that had opened the season.

A new project has begun for Lomellina: in the summer many changes were made, with the bench entrusted to Mr. Marco Cremonesi and several new players. Last season – lived in the play off area for long stretches and then ended in seventh place – a cycle had closed and now a new path has been started. «The first impressions are very good – explains the coach Marco Cremonesi – the guys are very willing to accept everything with enthusiasm. My deputy Gervasutti and I are sharing the tasks, he works on resistance and dynamism, I on technique and tactics. We are satisfied because the young people are inclined to accept what is proposed with such application ».

A job that the technical staff is carrying out in view of the first official commitments, in particular the Second category championship which will start on Sunday 11 September. «The club is made up of people who have passion and professionalism – underlines Mr. Cremonesi -. In my opinion, there are the prerequisites for a good championship, entertaining the public and having fun. Last year, after an excellent first round, Lomellina finished the championship in seventh place, while this year the goal is to improve the position by offering good football. These first friendlies are giving us good signals ».

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Lomellina will now continue its preparation in view of the Second Category championship, the only official commitment, since Mede’s team will not take part in the Lombardy Cup. We will therefore continue with the preparation and friendlies until the debut in the league, scheduled – as mentioned – for 11 September. –

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