Home » Leg pain before going to sleep? Run for blood tests

Leg pain before going to sleep? Run for blood tests

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Leg pain before going to sleep?  Run for blood tests

The pain in the legs before going to bed is annoying, if it happens it is advisable to have checks, especially blood. Let’s see why.

Some ailments are often underestimated or confused with other causes, and among them is that of the legs, which occurs in particular before going to bed.

Tired Legs Syndrome (Source Canva)

There are many people who before going to sleep they feel pain in their legs, and fatigue at the end of the day is often blamed. But something else could be hidden.

Tired Leg Syndrome, that’s what it is

It is known as the “Restless legs syndrome”, in medical jargon called Willis-Ekbom disease, and is a disease of the nervous system that causes discomfort in the legs, and the need to move feet, thighs and calves continuously due to the discomfort that is felt. This disease can also lead to involuntary movements of the legs and arms, known as periodic limb movements (PLMS).

Blood analysis
Blood analysis (Source Canva)

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità explains well what it is and what this syndrome hides, which if continued can cause disturbances in daily activities due to decreased quality of sleep and rest (the syndrome occurs in about 1 in 10 people at least once in a lifetime). The syndrome occurs in most cases with tingling, itching and burning, as well as a painful sensation in the legs and calves, but also with the sensation of having carbonated water in the veins of the legs.

The ISS explains that “Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep (PLMS) involve up to 80% of people affected by the disease. In PLMS movements, one or both legs shake uncontrollably, usually at night during sleep. The movements are short and repetitive, usually every 10-60 seconds or so“. Neurologists believe that at the basis of the disease there are alterations at the level of specific neurochemical processes, in particular dopamine, but in other cases the syndrome appears as a complication of another disease. Among the conditions related to the disease, there may be rheumatoid, hypothyroidism or fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, but also side effects of some drugs, excess use of caffeine, alcohol and smoking, obesity, stress and sedentary lifestyle.

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Studies have also found that some pregnant women have experienced restless legs syndrome events, especially in the last 3 months before parto. But the syndrome can also conceal one iron deficiency anemia, low iron levels in the blood can produce a drop in dopamine, and chronic diseases such as kidney failure, diabetes. For this reason it is always advisable to carry out blood tests, and clearly in any case contact your doctor.

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