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Immediately intense sessions for Montalto Dora

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Immediately intense sessions for Montalto Dora

Three days in the mountains are also planned to make a group No friendly matches, the focus is on the Piedmont Cup


The only Canavese team militant in women’s Serie C in the 2022/2023 season, Montalto Dora, resumed training last Monday, 29 August, in view of the ninth consecutive year in Serie C. Under the orders of confirmed coach Massimo Cazzulo, the volleyball players from Montalto met in the gym and carried out purely physical work, as explained by the central Chiara Civallero, in the sixth consecutive year with the Montalto Dora jersey: “In this week and also in the next we will do four days of training – he explains Civallero – working hard on the athletic part, in order to be in shape as soon as possible, in view of the start of the championship, at the start on Saturday 8 October. The program for this part of the season also includes a retreat in Maen, a hamlet of Valtournenche, from Friday 9 to Sunday 11 September, an opportunity not only to always train in the gym, but also to do beach volleyball and take relaxing walks and thus find the right feeling between us – explains Civallero -. Now it is important to amalgamate the new group, get to know us all and work hard as we have done since the first day of the meeting, Monday 29th August ».

Montalto Dora will also take part in the Piedmont Cup, which will start on the weekend of Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September, as Chiara Civallero still illustrates: «We will be involved in three weekends for the Piedmont Cup, starting on Saturday 17th September. The cup is a competition that we need above all to get into shape as soon as possible, above all to find the right match rhythm and it is for these two reasons that we will not have pre-season friendly matches. It serves as a good training in view of the races that will start to count, such as the championship ones. Finally, as regards the goal of the season, the first is to continue to grow technically, while the second is to achieve salvation first of all, then since the appetite comes with eating, if we can aspire to better positions, why not try with all our strength – explains Civallero -. We have to be united and play every game to the best of our ability ». Montalto Dora, after the well-deserved fifth place of last season and the playoffs missed, this year wants to start with more enthusiasm and certainties, knowing full well that there will be suffering during the season, given that a very demanding championship is expected. –

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