Home » Alzheimer’s can be discovered years earlier thanks to these symptoms

Alzheimer’s can be discovered years earlier thanks to these symptoms

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Alzheimer’s can be discovered years earlier thanks to these symptoms

Alzheimer’s, new research gives hope for a timely diagnosis of the disease. As can be discovered earlier thanks to these symptoms.

Alzheimer’s (photo by Gerd Altmann da Pixabay)


The disease of Alzheimer takes its name from Alois Alzheimera German neurologist who for the first time in 1907 understood its symptoms and neuropathological aspects, and is a neurodegenerative disease with a chronic and progressive course.

To date, about 5% of the population over the age of 65 and about 20% over the age of 80 are affected, and it is the most common cause of dementiacaused by an alteration of brain functions that makes it difficult for those affected to carry out even the most normal daily activities.

In fact, this disease affects memory and cognitive functions, and also affects the ability to speak and think and can cause states of confusion, mood changes and disorientation.

To date, through studies and research, we know much more about this disease and new research has shown that through some symptoms, Alzheimer’s can be diagnosed much earlier.

Alzheimer’s, the symptoms not to be underestimated that allow an early diagnosis

Alzheimer's Scientific Research Symptoms
Research highlights a correlation between disease and a blood biomarker (Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

The research, carried out by Macquarie University of Sydney and of the national scientific body CSIROhighlights how thanks to some symptoms the disease can be diagnosed many years earlier, thus making it easier to fight.

Specifically, the researchers identified a relationship between a biomarker present in the blood and the risk of cognitive impairment, and this is the biomarker 2-HAA.

In fact, as evidenced in the research, who has increased levels of this biomarker, is 35 times more likely than others to develop Alzheimer’s.

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This sensational discovery could pave the way for one more timely diagnosis through systematic screening over time. This would therefore allow to assume a more adequate lifestyle in order to favor the reduction of the chronic inflammation at the base of the disease.

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