Home » Treviso, a case of Zika virus: disinfestation against the tiger mosquito has started

Treviso, a case of Zika virus: disinfestation against the tiger mosquito has started

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Treviso, a case of Zika virus: disinfestation against the tiger mosquito has started

Disinfestation against the tiger mosquito

There is a case of Zika virus in Treviso: Ulss 2 reported the infection of a resident of via Cattaneo who would have fallen ill after a trip abroad. New treatments for the disinfestation of mosquitoes have been arranged throughout the Municipality of Treviso.

TREVISO. There is a case of Zika virus in Treviso: Ulss 2 reported the infection of a resident of via Cattaneo who allegedly fell ill after a trip abroad. New treatments for the disinfestation of mosquitoes have been arranged throughout the Municipality of Treviso.

In order to effectively combat the spread of the West Nile virus, the Municipality is carrying out a series of extraordinary interventions, in support of those carried out under the 2022 Plan (May-September) in manholes and drains as well as in the green spaces of the city.

In particular, larvicidal interventions are in progress in these days in collaboration with Ulss n.2 Marca Trevigiana in the ditches within a radius of 4 kilometers from the city walls and in the 22 thousand machicolations present in the municipal area. As regards adulticidal interventions, these will be carried out in sensitive sites divided into 5 territorial areas: Old Town; Santa Maria del Rovere, Selvana, Fiera; Votive Church, San Lazzaro, San Zeno, Sant’Angelo, Sant’Antonino; Canizzano, San Giuseppe and Santa Maria del Sile; Santa Bona, San Liberale, San Paolo, Monigo and San Pelaio.

Furthermore, after a careful evaluation by the staff of Ulss n.2 Marca Trevigiana and on the basis of the new protocols established by the Veneto Region, a specific treatment will be carried out in the whole area of ​​via Cattaneowhere the case of “Zika” arbovirosis, transmitted by the tiger mosquito, occurred.

In this regard, an ordinance was signed to allow access to the cooperative responsible for disinfestation in the open areas of the Via Cattaneo area within a radius of 200 meters.

The same ordinance provides for the closure of the windows during the hours of execution of the adulticide disinfestation treatment in road areas starting from 11.00 pm on Monday 5 September until the end of the operations. Starting from Saturday 10 September, the anti-larval blister packs will be distributed in the markets (all information will be communicated in the next few days) to citizens residing in the municipal area of ​​Treviso.

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