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Politics 2022, Comparison in Ivrea against Fdi: “They are opposing”

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Politics 2022, Comparison in Ivrea against Fdi: “They are opposing”
Gianluigi Paragone

The leader of Italexit: «Right and left are fake duelists». The candidate Querio Gianetto: “With Pnrr we finance useless works”

IVREA. About fifty people were present in the Piedmont outdoor bar to listen, on Tuesday 6, to Senator Gianluigi Paragone, leader of Italexit for Italy, a political group known for its Euroscepticism in favor of a reconquest of sovereignty, essential to restart the country . “Today we are part of a very delicate competition, in which left and right collide like fake duelists,” began Paragone.

Aldo Querio Gianetto, mayor of Colleretto Castelnuovo, candidate for the Italexit Chamber

«Lega and Forza Italia supported the Draghi government while the Brothers of Italy did” oppofiction “, never breaking the pattern and instead struggling to make themselves credible to the financial markets. At Palazzo Chigi he will certainly carry on the Draghi agenda ». Paragone focused on the NRP: «Each project in it is financed upon reaching each step. The enormous increase in the costs of materials and energy therefore requires budget revisions, forcing us to increase our indebtedness to speculators. At the same time, health care and pensions are being cut. It was born after a pandemic but has donated a minimal sum to healthcare because it only serves to replace the Italian business world with multinational global models, a step for which President Mattarella is the guarantor ».

Ivrea, Ivrea stage for Gianluigi Paragone, leader of Italexit

Dear energy. A budget shift would be useful, according to the leader, to protect families and businesses, burdened by costs of life and production that are no longer predictable. «The speculators should have been attacked because we know who they are. Eni, a state-owned company, made, in the last six months, a profit of 700% higher than that of the previous one! ». «We cannot do without Russian gas which covers 40% of the needs. An energy lockdown is expected that will determine serious compressions in consumption “, said Paragone, then articulating:” Every vote serves, like so many pebbles, to face the Goliath of the center-right and center-left “, Aldo Querio Gianetto, mayor of Colleretto Castelnuovo, candidate for Chamber in the Piedmont district 1, single-member college 4, recalled: «It is increasingly difficult to guarantee services to citizens. The PNRR has given us a shower of money to finance useless works and in the autumn we will have to turn off the public lighting. After the pandemic, its first item should have been health care, which is the last with just under 16 billion allocated. On May 5, all the parties approved the cancellation of VAT on arms, but we continue to pay it on bread ».

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