Home » Liu Guozhong emphasized at the second round of the central ecological and environmental protection supervision and rectification work arrangement and deployment meeting

Liu Guozhong emphasized at the second round of the central ecological and environmental protection supervision and rectification work arrangement and deployment meeting

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Liu Guozhong emphasized at the second round of the central ecological and environmental protection supervision and rectification work arrangement and deployment meeting
Liu Guozhong emphasized at the second round of the central ecological and environmental protection supervision and rectification work arrangement and deployment meeting

Do a solid job in environmental supervision and rectification to promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the ecological environment

Zhao Yide hosted Zhao Gang to attend


2022-09-09 06:41


Shaanxi Daily

The second round of the central ecological and environmental protection inspection and rectification work arrangement and deployment meeting was held in Xi’an on the 8th. Provincial Party Secretary Liu Guozhong attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping’s thought on ecological civilization and the important instructions of the general secretary’s important speech on his visit to Shaanxi, deeply learn the lessons of the Qinling illegal construction incident, and continue to work hard to protect the central ecological environment in accordance with the “Rectification Plan” approved by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Inspecting the rectification, the profound understanding of the decisive significance of the “two establishments” and the resolute implementation of the “two maintenances” were put into action and reflected in the effect.

Governor Zhao Yide presided over the meeting. Zhao Gang, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Fang Hongwei and Li Chunlin, members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Dai Zhengshe, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, Wei Zengjun, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, and Li Mingyuan, Mayor of Xi’an, attended the event. Wang Lin, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, explained the “Rectification Plan”.

Liu Guozhong emphasized that all localities and departments should tighten their responsibilities, and implement the requirements of “the party and government have the same responsibility, one post and two responsibilities” and “the development must be in charge of environmental protection, the industry must be in charge of environmental protection, and the production must be in charge of environmental protection”. , both responsible for their respective responsibilities and coordinated to promote rectification. It is necessary to refine and improve measures, to further specify common problems, and to “one problem and a set of plans” for individual problems, so that the construction is clear and clear, and the construction is carried out according to the drawings. It is necessary to push hard for rectification, seriously deal with damage to the ecological environment, and take serious accountability for superficial rectification, false rectification, and perfunctory rectification. It is necessary to reverse the construction period, make solid rectification, and conscientiously check and accept to ensure that the rectification effect can stand the test.

Liu Guozhong demanded that the inspection and rectification should be used as an opportunity to take the road of ecological priority and green development. It is necessary to be a good ecological guardian of the Qinling Mountains, comprehensively strengthen the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin, and strengthen the prevention and control of environmental risks in the water source areas of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. It is necessary to do a good job in the battle of pollution prevention and control, control pollution with an iron fist and reduce haze, do a good job in comprehensive management of rivers and lakes, and strengthen the control of soil pollution sources. It is necessary to fully, accurately and fully implement the new development concept, speed up industrial transformation and upgrading, and actively and steadily promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. It is necessary to promote the modernization of the ecological environment governance system and governance capacity, improve the construction level of beautiful Shaanxi, and take practical actions to welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Zhao Yide emphasized that it is necessary to fully understand the importance and seriousness of supervision and rectification, pay close attention to the objectives and requirements, clarify rectification measures, time limits and responsibilities one by one, and make real changes to ensure that problems are rectified thoroughly and in place. It is necessary to speed up the construction of the province’s carbon peak and carbon neutral “1+N” policy system, coordinately promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and strive to achieve economic, environmental and social benefits. It is necessary to adhere to the province’s game of chess, further improve the system, improve the mechanism, and unite forces, and promote the normalization and long-term effect of rectification.

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Shaanxi Daily


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