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Treviso, 16 thousand school diaries to study and be green

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Treviso, 16 thousand school diaries to study and be green

The environmental education initiative launched in 17 institutes by Ats, Savno, Ascotrade

TREVISO. Almost 16 thousand copies (9,418 for primary schools and 6,522 for lower secondary schools), delivered to the 17 institutes participating in the project at the symbolic price of 0.50 euros each. A school diary for everyonewith the aim of accompanying students between the tasks of the week but also in the knowledge of the 17 objectives for sustainable development and the 169 “targets” or goals to be achieved by 2030 defined by the UN.

For students, the diary will be a starting point towards crucial and complex issues concerning theenvironmentthe green policies, the future of our resources and our Earth. Topics to be explored in class with teachers, to learn at the same time respect for resources and the value of collaboration between people.

Throughout the pages, day after day, issues such as environmental and energy protection, water resources, issues are discussed Sauna, Ascotrade e ATS _ promoters of the initiative _ have clearly included in their respective business plans. Among the pages there are references to current events, such as the prolonged drought that hit the country in the summer just past, and the constructive invitation to young readers is to be an “active citizen”. “Get informed. Always stay up to date, be curious, try to get to the bottom of things to understand. If you learn about your surroundings, you can also change it. If you learn to understand what is happening around you, you will know what to do to improve the world!”Is the message conveyed through different languages ​​based on school age: comics in the primary school edition and stories told by peers in the secondary school version.

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“Working together, studying together, helping each other: collaboration is the key to overcoming the challenges of tomorrow – say the president of Savno, Giacomo De Luca; the president of the Council of the Basin of Sinistra Piave, Roberto Campagnaand Senator Gianpaolo Vallardi – And it is precisely this spirit that prompted us to extend the partnership with Ascotrade e ATSto share experiences, means and knowledge, reduce costs, and increase the scope of our environmental and social education activities, bringing benefits to the whole territory “.

“Respect for the environment, protection of resources and deep belonging to the territory in which we operate, these are the guidelines that have guided the creation of the 2022/2023 school diary – declared the CEO of ATS, Pierpaolo Florianwho added – the diary must be understood as a didactic tool, a starting point for further study and work to continue in the classroom, but also as a tool to guide activities in the area to make the reality that surrounds us more and more sustainable”.

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