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Elections 2022, the latest news today 12 September

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Elections 2022, the latest news today 12 September

The restart of the school and the energy crisis, with the parties that have to agree on the DL Aid bis, are just some of the issues that are taking place on this political day with the elections of 25 September getting closer for the country.

The podcast – Peppa Pig and the magician Silvio
The background – Letta’s run-up between workers and teachers: “I collect the pieces of Renzi and the Jobs Act”
The interview – Crosetto: “The country risks becoming Gotham City. The opposition help us but without messing around “
Towards the elections – Meloni-Conte, flirtation on reforms

Update hour by hour

09.28 – Conte: “Closed dialogue with these leaders of the PD”
«These Pd leaders had a dialogue with the M5s, which we trusted to be conducted on a perspective of equal dignity and mutual respect. A choice was made, they tried everything to throw away the experience of the M5s and the progressive agenda to embrace a phantom Draghi agenda. It is clear that the dialogue with them is closed ». Giuseppe Conte said this on Tg1 Mattina.
09.15 – Salvini: “Ready to sign a 30 billion dollar decree”
«The 13 billion energy decree: good, but not enough. 13 billion are not enough, at least thirty are needed. Brothers of Italy today is in opposition, we are in the majority and still govern this country. why not put money into debt this morning to save factories and workers. It is better to do it now than at Christmas to save workers and layoffs ». The leader of the League added: «The League is willing to sign a decree worth thirty billion with Pd, with Renzi, with anyone else. If Europe intervenes at Christmas, we cannot wait for millions of people to lose their jobs “
09.11 – Berlusconi: “Another completely impossible Draghi government”
Still a Draghi government with a large majority after the elections? “It is completely impossible that the center-right does not have the parliamentary numbers to govern. However, our government will seek a constructive relationship with the opposition and will gather the best energies of the country beyond and outside politics ”. Silvio Berlusconi told Rtl 102.5
09.06 – Salvini: “I hope Piazza Meloni is as full as my squares”
«I hope that the piazza in Milan has been a success for Meloni. Yesterday I was surrounded by thousands of people and I hope there were also in Milan ». Matteo Salvini said this at Agorà, on Rai 3. “The more the squares of the center-right are smiling and bring feasible ideas, the more we are able to keep our commitments”, added Salvini who stressed that he was not in the studio for having brought his daughter. at school, taking the opportunity to wish “all the students who start the school year again today”
09.00 Berlusconi: “Sad to condition children with cartoons”
“I find it sad and worrying that a cartoon dedicated to children is used to convey messages” like that of a family in which there are two mothers. “We will always defend the model of the natural family, made up of a man and a woman who raise children. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, has even tried to prohibit with the Zan bill the prohibition of opinions ». Silvio Berlusconi said this on radio Rtl
08.58 – Berlusconi: “Ukraine? Painful penalties but we must make sacrifices for freedom “
Sanctions are a truly painful instrument that also damage our economy, however I exclude that Italy’s solidarity with Ukraine may fail. For this idea of ​​democracy and freedom, sacrifices must be made. “This was stated by the president of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi
08.49 – Cingolani: “Do not sing victory but on the price cap we pass from obstruction to EU mandate”
On the price cap for gas “we cannot claim victory, but it must be made clear that we have gone from an obstruction to a mandate to the European Commission to develop a strategy”. Roberto Cingolani, Minister of Ecological Transition, said this to the microphones of ’24 Mattino ‘. It is, he recalled, “a mandate of a couple of weeks, we expect by September” a proposal on which, then, “it will not take unanimity, we will go with a qualified majority” on the part of the 27 EU countries. «It’s a very urgent thing, everyone has understood that there is no time to waste. Citizens and businesses are suffering, ”added Cingolani.
08.48 – Berlusconi: “No taxes on new hires for three years”
«In our program we have projects to give stable jobs to young people, so that no form of apprenticeship is paid with less than a thousand euros a month, which is the minimum necessary to live in a big city today. But we want kids to have a future, they can do. We’ll make it extremely convenient for companies to hire a guy on their first job by eliminating all taxes on that guy for three years. So they will have a great advantage in hiring young people ». Silvio Berlusconi told Radio Rtl
08.45 – Berlusconi: “The Letta government has increased dependence on Russian gas”
On expensive energy «Italy will never again have to find itself in these conditions, which are the precise responsibility of the left. We in 2011 had reduced dependence on Russian gas to less than 20% of the total. In 2014, the Letta government raised Russian dependence to 45%. And then it went even higher ». Silvio Berlusconi told Rtl 102.5.
08.20 – Gava (undersecretary of ecological transition): “We need a ceiling on all the price of natural gas”
“We need a cap on the whole price of natural gas: the market has shown that it does not work, indeed that it has failed”. This is what the undersecretary of the ministry for ecological settlement, Vannia Gava, said in an interview with Corriere della Sera, speaking of expensive energy. «The price of LNG – he specifies – reflects a balance between supply and demand and could be taken as a reference point for the ceiling on the price of natural gas. In the emergency package, Europe is preparing a structural reform of the energy market. Decoupling is necessary and the technical modalities defined by the EU ». According to the undersecretary, the problem arises from the way in which the price of gas is determined: “On the one hand, the Dutch TTF index has become the European benchmark, on the other it has fueled speculation – she stresses – The price of gas no longer depends from the balance between supply and demand, and from the volatility of an index that appreciates, in a hysterical and speculative way, the uncertainty of supplies ». To alleviate energy costs, according to Gava it is necessary to intervene «on VAT in basic necessities. It is on those assets that the real impact of the general crisis resulting from the energy crisis is assessed ”. She is also convinced that the rules on extra-profits from oil and gas must be changed: «The current rule must absolutely be revised and adapted. It is a rule that arises in an emergency and must be verified in the facts “
08.19 – Ascani: “Commitment to reduce distances for equal opportunities”
“In many regions of Italy, school begins today. A new year of growth and commitment in nurturing the talents of all children and young people, in shortening the distance at the start to multiply the opportunities on arrival. Happy school year! ». The undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, Anna Ascani, writes on Twitter.
07.56 – Bianchi: “No one has ever talked about a short week due to energy increases”
The short week at school? “The government has never talked about it because we are convinced that we all have to face the problems of expensive energy, but school is the last, we have already given the country”. This was stated by the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi interviewed by Unomattina.
07.43 – Bianchi: “Restart for school, but ready for any eventuality”
«It is the school of the restart. The whole country needs to restart, to look each other in the eye. The government felt that the emergency phase was over and we lost a lot. But we are ready for any eventuality. We monitor the situation in every part of the country ». This was stated by Patrizio Bianchi, Minister of Education, interviewed by UnoMattina talking about the start of the new school year and the emergency

See also  Di Battista in Milan: “The Democratic Party has handed over the country to Meloni. Di Maio? I don't like quick change makers, I hope he won't be elected "

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