Home » Bim Gsp, digital systems against aqueduct leaks in Trichiana

Bim Gsp, digital systems against aqueduct leaks in Trichiana

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Bim Gsp, digital systems against aqueduct leaks in Trichiana

The modeling, districting and digitization of the water network serving the city center of Trichiana and the hamlets of Pialdier, Casteldardo, Morgan, Cavassico, San Felice, Frontin, Ponte Ardo and Carfagnoi, in the Municipality of Borgo Valbelluna, was completed.

In fact, Bim Gsp has installed new hydraulic gates in various points of the aqueduct, for the segmentation of the aqueduct into small districts, to install flow meters and to equip the network with digital sensors (loggers) for monitoring the flow of water in the network. An apparently simple activity, but in reality very complex, which required in-depth studies, inspections, field surveys and the creation of a digital hydraulic model capable of reproducing the functioning of the network.

Thanks to the loggers, in particular, and to programmed night closures limited to network segments, it was possible to collect real data on the actual leakage level and the volume dispersed. The night monitoring, in particular, carried out with technical-operational staff present on site and in the absence of significant withdrawals by users, made it possible to identify the network segments with the highest level of loss, to proceed with a more targeted search and therefore more effective than hidden breakages and to provide for timely repair.

Result? More than 11 liters per second saved daily, with a prospect of about 350 thousand cubic meters per year, which corresponds, to give an idea, to the annual consumption of almost 4 thousand people or more simply to a football field with 50 meters of column d water disposed over the entire surface. Not only that, the activity has made it possible to create three portions of the aqueduct with reduced and controlled pressure: a strategic operation, which has actually made it possible to reduce the probability of the formation of new leaks in them. At the same time as the works, they were installed 200 meters of new distribution pipeline in via Saubens and via La Malfa to connect some buildings to other portions of the aqueduct. In the water network serving the higher hamlets of the Trichiana area – Niccia, Sant’Antonio Tortal, Dagno, Campedei, Signa, Col di Pera, Melere – the installation of some flow meters and the replacement of others is currently underway. more ancient.

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Once the laying works have been completed, the second phase of the hydraulic modeling activities will be launched for the completion of the entire local water network. “The future of water networks necessarily passes through the digitization process – he explains Attilio Sommavilla, president of Bim Gsp. “The integration of digital technologies with the operating methods applied to the distribution networks and plants – continues Sommavilla – allows to increase the knowledge of the infrastructures, to create efficiency and to improve the ordinary management of the service. it allows us to better monitor the level of loss and to intervene more promptly for the solution of the fault. Consequently, the planning of the interventions to be implemented is also optimized, naturally for the benefit of supply to users. In perspective, of course, we will continue in this direction, with a view to applying this methodology as much as possible to the various Belluno aqueduct systems. To date, the digitization of the Mel and Lentiai networks is underway: in the medium term, we aim to digitally model and manage the entire Val Clusa aqueduct, the most important in the province of Belluno, which feeds most of the municipalities of Sospirolo, Sedico, Belluno, Limana, Borgo Valbelluna, Quero Vas, Segusino and Valdobbiadene, for a total of 80 thousand inhabitants ”, concludes Sommavilla.

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