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Sanna Marin: “Finland supports Ukraine in all forms”

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Sanna Marin: “Finland supports Ukraine in all forms”

Moving forward, as we have done so far and even more. Sanna Marin’s Finland has very clear ideas about Russia and the war that arose from the aggression against Ukraine: don’t give in, don’t hesitate. In the House of Parliament gathered in plenary session, also to respond in advance to the critical political forces closest to Moscow, you reminded us that sanctions work. Also thanks to the EU response, «with this war Russia is destroying its economy and its future», which with the support of the 27 «the Ukrainian counter-offensive is advancing incredibly fast». She is determined to seize this moment, and she warns to keep “ready for more severe sanctions”. Finland is open to new packages, and will fight for this in the Council.

He anticipates that he wants a closure of the borders with Russia which if not complete, in the mind of the Nordic leader, comes close. The suspension of the facilitated visa regime “is not enough”, and the granting of documents for entry and stay in the EU “must be severely restricted”. She takes the applause of the House and the appreciation of all the main camps when she remembers the choice of her country and its government to join NATO. “It strengthens the security of all of northern Europe and makes our alliance stronger.”

With a stronger Finland in a stronger Euro-Atlantic bloc, Sanna Marin wants to corner Moscow. “Europe is more united, Russia more isolated.” You remind the MEPs of the importance and the need to insist, compactly. You return to the sanctions, recalling that the stronger the effect of these, the more the economy of the Russian federation will be affected. Finland is convinced that the Kremlin can be weakened even more. She says she is willing to “support Ukraine in all forms” and possible ways, and invites us to follow the Finnish agenda.

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There will be a cost, and don’t deny it. But she is sure that “Ukraine will win this war and Putin will lose thanks to our support”. Provided that the EU, as states and as community institutions, remain united. If so, “we will be able to face the long winter with determination and courage”.

The Finnish head of government demonstrates the same determination in tackling the Russian crisis as regards fiscal policies. He confirms the “Nordic” orientation of the country, made up of rigor, attention, and above all rules. He calls for the return of the stability pact. To be reviewed, of course, but essential. «Common budget rules serve to curb the over-indebtedness of member countries and the related risk» contagion in a Europe where «our economies are not separated from each other». He words that will not please Italy, but the third eurozone economy, with the second highest debt in the euro area, can only be watched carefully by the only country scanned with the single currency.

Finland therefore closes the doors to a new recovery fund to respond to the energy crisis. “It was a necessary and mutually agreed one-off solution, not a model for future crises.” On Russia as on the rest, Marin makes no discounts or concessions.

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