Home » “Women’s awareness” A self-defense training course at the Lomazzo gym

“Women’s awareness” A self-defense training course at the Lomazzo gym

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“Women’s awareness” A self-defense training course at the Lomazzo gym

Self defense training. It is a fixed appointment that for the past fifteen years theAsd Idraghi organizes for the prevention of violence. The three lessons will take place on Saturday 17th, Saturday 24th September and Saturday 1st October from 2pm to 4pm at the Lomazzo gym in via Pietro Giordani in Piacenza. The municipal councilors took part in the presentation of the initiative Mario Dadati, Serena Groppelli e Nicoletta Corviin addition to Pink telephone and to the teacher Stefano Draghi.

“The goal – affirms the commissioner Dadati – is to carry out activities together with women for women, creating a network around the female figure. We must never let our guard down in the face of an increasingly pressing and current problem. The initiative is also important for the aggregative role of physical activity: relationships can help find shared and collective solutions. The action of the citizens is commendable, however we remember that we cannot replace the police. Everyone respects their role “. “The key word is ‘awareness’ – underlines the councilor Groppelli -. It is undoubtedly a self-defense training course, but it also serves as a way of strengthening female awareness and being together. Each of us can be a victim of violence ”.

“The course – explains Valentina di Telefono Rosa – aims to give the idea of ​​a personal awareness of what can happen. It is not necessary to become a ‘black belt’, but to understand the space that surrounds us and strengthen attention. We no longer have to find ourselves in the situation of being afraid, of walking around watching our backs. I invite everyone to try: it is not as complex as one might think ”. “Women do not only learn techniques to be able to defend themselves – adds the master Stefano Draghi -. It is a training course that aims at knowledge and information. People do not always have knowledge of what can happen outside, of how to react. Awareness serves as support from the police, who are in charge of our safety and should not be ashamed to call them. The course is 360 °, from prevention to the extreme act of having to defend oneself in a particular situation. Sometimes small gestures and small attentions are enough. Violence not only occurs on the street but also in the office or at home. We teach how to react in order to be calmer ”. Regarding participation in the course, Draghi says that the trend, in these fifteen years, has always grown, except during the Covid crisis. “We have always had 20/30 people, with peaks of 50. We need to dispel the myth of martial arts. The first thing to do – remarks Draghi – is always to free yourself and escape. The struggle is always an emergency solution which is better not to arrive ”.

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“This initiative – declares the councilor Corvi – is a virtuous example of collaboration between administration and associations aimed at the protection, work on prevention and promotion of the well-being of citizens. Together it is possible to achieve positive results. Each of us, thanks to this course, can be educated to know how to intercept signals and ask for help. As a city we must grow, not alone but together with all the players, to take charge of the possibility that in Piacenza we can improve awareness and activities. As a council we promote concrete actions and projects for personal and collective safety ”.

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