Home » Ivrea, #uncarnevalediricordi on display in Romagna and Lodi

Ivrea, #uncarnevalediricordi on display in Romagna and Lodi

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Ivrea, #uncarnevalediricordi on display in Romagna and Lodi

IVREA. In 2021 and 2022 the Foundation, given the forced stop due to the restrictions due to the pandemic, decided to revive the Carnival through #uncarnevalediricordi, a photographic project created with the aim of sharing stories and images collected by those who live the party in first person. In 2022 the Components were directly involved: 200 panels with 100 images, the result of a long selection process, were exhibited during the Carnival period in the shop windows of the city, making Ivrea a large open and widespread museum.

In the coming weeks, some of these images will leave the confines of our city and will be presented in two national reviews. The first occasion will be from 16 to 18 September at the Fellini Park in Gambettola (Forlì-Cesena), where the 1st edition of “Carnivals in festa” will take place, an initiative created to promote and tell the traditions, foods, cultures and territories of the main carnivals. Italians. Among others, Viareggio and Putignano will also participate. For the gastronomic part, among the protagonists also the Beneficial Fagiolata del Castellazzo. From 24 September to 23 October #uncarnevalediricordi will instead be a guest (every weekend) among the off exhibitions of the 13th edition of the Festival of Ethical Photography in Lodi. The Lodi review is an unmissable event for thousands of photography enthusiasts and every year exhibits the works of some of the greatest photojournalists from all over the world. The possibility for the Ivrea Carnival to make itself known through images on an occasion like this also makes the event proud for the path undertaken in the last complicated years, certain that it can represent a moment of restart.

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«We are very happy to participate in two such important occasions that will give further visibility to a party that is unique of its kind – says Piero Gillardi, president of the Foundation of the historic carnival of Ivrea -. We are impatient to meet a new audience that will be able to know and appreciate the spirit of our Carnival for the first time, especially at a time when we are working tirelessly so that the event can restart in its entirety ».

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