Home » Cross-currents lead the way to the Silk Road and the ancient road is reborn – President Xi Jinping’s trip to Central Asia has achieved pragmatic and fruitful results

Cross-currents lead the way to the Silk Road and the ancient road is reborn – President Xi Jinping’s trip to Central Asia has achieved pragmatic and fruitful results

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Cross-currents lead the way to the Silk Road and the ancient road is reborn – President Xi Jinping’s trip to Central Asia has achieved pragmatic and fruitful results

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CCTV news(News Network): From September 14 to 16, 2022, President Xi Jinping attended the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) held in Samarkand, and was invited to conduct state affairs in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan access. At the end of the trip, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi briefed the accompanying reporters on the practical and fruitful results of the visit.

In the mid-autumn season, President Xi Jinping embarked on a world-renowned trip to Central Asia. This is President Xi Jinping’s first visit since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia. It is of great significance and a special timing. It is a major diplomatic action taken by the CPC Central Committee to coordinate domestic and international situations and face the Eurasian continent. It is a milestone at a key historical node. Meaningful visit. International public opinion is highly concerned and intensively reported, and cooperation, security, development, openness, mutual trust, and respect have become key words in mainstream international media coverage. International public opinion generally believes that President Xi Jinping’s first visit to Central Asia after the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is of great strategic significance. The extraordinary influence shows that China’s international status and influence have been further enhanced.

In 3 days and 2 nights, President Xi Jinping flew to Nur-Sultan and Samarkand for 48 hours and attended nearly 30 events intensively. The multilateral and bilateral schedules were combined, and security and development issues were combined. Although the time was short, the highlights were It has been fruitful and fruitful, which has effectively promoted the expansion of the SCO to take new steps and led China’s relations with relevant countries to a new level. The cross currents of the sea lead the way, and the ancient Silk Road has a new life. In the environment of turbulent international situation and accumulation of risks and challenges, President Xi Jinping’s trip to Central Asia will add more vitality to the Silk Road that runs through the Eurasian continent, and bring more vitality to the international and regional situation at the crossroads. The stability factor has created more favorable international conditions for the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and fully reflects the big picture and big responsibility of the leaders of the big country and the big party to lead the times.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the SCO Charter and the 15th anniversary of the signing of the long-term treaty of good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation among member states. Focusing on the new situation, new tasks, and new problems faced by the SCO and its member states, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Samarkand Summit, summarizing the successful experience of the SCO – insisting on political mutual trust, insisting on mutually beneficial cooperation, and insisting on Treating each other as equals, adhering to openness and inclusiveness, and adhering to fairness and justice, he pointed out that these “five adherences” fully embody the “Shanghai Spirit”, and are also the practice of true multilateralism. What kind of new type of regional cooperation should be promoted and how to promote the new type of regional cooperation has drawn a roadmap for the SCO and a new prospect for cooperation.

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With the joint efforts of President Xi Jinping and the leaders of the participating countries, the summit has passed more than 40 outcome documents covering the fields of economy, finance, science and technology, people-to-people and cultural engagement, mechanism building, and foreign exchanges. In particular, under the promotion of China, the heads of state of the member states issued four major statements on maintaining international energy security, maintaining international food security, addressing climate change, and maintaining the security, stability and diversification of supply chains. The measures are practical and meet the needs of various countries, reflecting that China is not only the initiator of global development initiatives and global security initiatives, but also an activist who implements the initiatives.

At this summit, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ushered in a new round of the largest expansion of its members, which once again demonstrated the vitality, cohesion and attractiveness of the “Shanghai Spirit”. This expansion also fully demonstrates that the SCO is not a closed and exclusive “small circle”, but an open and inclusive “big family”.

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are major countries in Central Asia, as well as China’s important northwest neighbors and comprehensive strategic partners, and the first countries to support and participate in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. President Xi Jinping visited Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan again after several years, and made the two countries his first visit since the epidemic, which fully demonstrated the high level and uniqueness of China’s relations with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, as well as the close friendship and high trust between the heads of state. .

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The two heads of state attached great importance to President Xi Jinping as the most distinguished guest, personally planned and deployed, and received them with the highest courtesy and standard. These special and warm arrangements reflect the political will of the two heads of state to be friendly towards China, as well as the deep friendship between the Kazakh and Uzbek peoples towards China.

The atmosphere of the talks between President Xi Jinping and President Tokayev and President Mirziyoyev was warm and friendly, and the results were pragmatic and fruitful. Tokayev said that President Xi Jinping’s visit shows that both sides are committed to opening up a new golden 30 years for Kazakhstan-China relations, which is of special significance in the current turbulent and complex international situation and will surely become a new milestone in the history of the development of Kazakhstan-China relations. Kazakhstan will continue to firmly adhere to the one-China policy and be a good partner and friend that China can rely on under any circumstances. Mirziyoyev said that President Xi Jinping’s historic visit has elevated Uzbekistan-China comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level. China is Uzbekistan’s reliable friend and comprehensive strategic partner, and Uzbekistan is unswerving and very clear in its adherence to one China. principle, and unswervingly support China’s position on core interests. Uzbekistan will always be a good neighbor, good friend and good partner worthy of China’s trust.

China-Kazakhstan and China-Uzbekistan launching and practicing the concept of a community with a shared future at the bilateral level is an integral part of building a community with a shared future for mankind, which will surely reinvigorate the millennia-long traditional friendship between the two sides, and better benefit the people of China and Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Regional peace, stability and development have contributed to China-Kazakhstan and China-Ukraine.

In Samarkand, President Xi Jinping also held bilateral meetings with the leaders of the 10 countries attending the SCO Summit, and attended the China-Russia-Mongolia tripartite meeting. Among them are old friends who have met many times in recent years, as well as new friends who have met for the first time. They have many topics, in-depth content and fruitful results. They have played an important role in leading the development of bilateral relations and promoting regional peace and stability.

President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin held their second face-to-face meeting this year, and it was also the first time that the heads of state of China and Russia met on an international occasion since the outbreak of the epidemic.

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The heads of state of China, Russia and Mongolia held their first offline meeting in three years.

President Xi Jinping met respectively with President Zaparov of Kyrgyzstan, President Shcherdar Berdymukhamedov of Turkmenistan and President Rahmon of Tajikistan. This is the third meeting between President Xi Jinping and the five Central Asian heads of state this year, which fully reflects the close ties between China and the Central Asian countries.

President Xi Jinping also met with leaders of Iran, Belarus, Pakistan, Mongolia, Turkey and Azerbaijan respectively, and reached many new important consensuses on promoting the development of bilateral relations.

In response to the recent attempts of some countries to undermine China’s sovereignty and interfere in China’s internal affairs, the leaders of the above-mentioned countries took the initiative to reiterate during the meeting that they will continue to firmly abide by the one-China principle and firmly support China’s core interests in Taiwan, Xinjiang and Hong Kong. position on the issue. This once again shows that justice is at ease in the hearts of the people. China has a lot of help.

President Xi Jinping has won more and more understanding, respect and recognition for China in the world with his far-sighted strategic vision, open and inclusive broad-mindedness, and charisma of emphasizing love and righteousness.

The leaders of the countries who met with President Xi Jinping this time took the initiative to wish the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China a complete success, expressed full confidence in China’s development prospects, hoped to comprehensively strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with China, and looked forward to China’s role in international affairs. play a bigger role. President Tokayev said that President Xi Jinping is a truly great leader and has the wholehearted support of the Chinese people. China will surely realize the grand goal of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way as scheduled. President Mirziyoyev said that President Xi Jinping is a great statesman in the world today, and the Ukrainian side firmly believes that under the wise leadership of President Xi Jinping, China will not only have a better today, but also a better tomorrow.

President Xi Jinping’s visit is based on the periphery of Central Asia, faces the Eurasian continent, and has an overview of global changes. It is another successful practice and vivid embodiment of Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thought.

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