Home » The cosmetics industry chain takes place at the Polo Innovation Day

The cosmetics industry chain takes place at the Polo Innovation Day

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The cosmetics industry chain takes place at the Polo Innovation Day

On Thursday 22 September the Polo Innovation Day returns to Crema, the event organized by the Cosmetic Center and dedicated to the cosmetics supply chain industry. The day of study, in-depth analysis but also of business returns after two years of stoppage due to the pandemic to present the innovations of a sector that has never stopped, finding opportunities for growth and improvement in the crisis generated by the health emergency. The fifth edition will be dedicated to the circular economy. In an era where sustainability has entered the European and national political agendas, the cosmetic sector has long been following the “green” road, both to respond to the requests coming from a generation of increasingly attentive and aware consumers and to react to critical issues of which it has become directly aware by reducing its environmental footprint through the implementation of cutting-edge projects, some already underway, others under construction.

The day will be punctuated by three round tables dedicated to as many production macro-areas of the supply chain: make-up, skincare, packaging: «Eco-sustainable packaging, between false myths and state of the art»; «The ingredients of green make-up» and «How sustainability has reinvented skincare». The exhibition area will host over 40 desks of companies in the cosmetic and service sector. Also in this edition, the Innovation Awards will be held that reward products, formulations, packaging recognized by the public and the jury of experts as the most avant-garde in the sector. This year, in addition to innovation, design and functionality, particular attention will obviously be paid to the theme of sustainability. To make its contribution, the Innovation Day supports the 3BEE project, a start-up company that through advanced technology develops systems to improve the health of bees and protect biodiversity.

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«Sustainability and circularity are some of the key themes towards which the world of beauty and the world of packaging is moving – affirms the president of the Polo, Matteo Moretti -. It is necessary to keep up with the times and understand in advance in which direction the research is going: which innovative ingredients? Which formulations to adopt and which products to invest in? How can packaging be modeled and meet new challenges? But above all, for the supply chain it is necessary to understand what brands expect. It is brands that intercept and reflect the thoughts and needs of end consumers. For this reason, the Innovation Day represents a great opportunity for the inter-supply chain of the cosmetics industry to investigate these questions, find ideas and answers, but also enrich themselves with new solicitations ».

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