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Union mocked in the final by Casalpusterlengo

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Union mocked in the final by Casalpusterlengo

Hosts ahead with a penalty from Valente, equal to the guests always from the spot. Pieces (maybe offside) freeze everyone at 91 ‘

saint cristina

It ends with decidedly opposite feelings: the players of Casapusterlengo to celebrate together with the large audience arrived in Santa Cristina and those of the Union Calcio Basso Pavese to complain to the referee for those last five minutes that incredibly overturned a game that seemed already forfeited and which would have yielded the first victory. The red and white draw of Mr. Guaitamacchi in fact arrived already in the recovery with a penalty that many seemed excessive (and which cost the red to Pistorino), but the episode that sparked the anger of Nordi’s gialloneri has arrived just in extremis, when Pezzi scored the three-point goal in a very dubious position. The protests from the whole home environment were really strong, starting with president Fabio Spada and coach Omar Nordi: according to some, a whistle started a second before the network, which was then validated.

the race

Up to these last two episodes, Union Calcio had played a match of great sacrifice, defending with his teeth the advantage obtained after only three minutes thanks to the penalty kick transformed with coldness by Valente, after the great chance on Puccio’s feet. A few minutes pass and the referee gives another penalty, this time to the host team: Cheddia goes to the spot, but he messes up and makes a mistake. In the ranks of Casalpusterlengo, Lorenzo Pezzi is undoubtedly the most dangerous. The local rearguard struggled to contain him. At 19 ‘he goes very close to equal head and is repeated at 25’ after a good assist from Mazzocchi. In the Union Calcio very well Ball, a real scooter on the wing, which puts in a lot of good balls, but almost never exploited by the Gialloneri forwards. At 26 ‘it is he himself who then tries the conclusion, Ghidini deflects on the post. It starts in the second half always with Ball, who flies on the right out and puts in the center, but both Chiarolanza and Gabaglio arrive with a moment’s delay at the deviation. At 10 ‘great athletic gesture by Gabaglio who overturned tries to surprise Ghidini, the ball slightly out. The game goes through a tired phase, with the guests who often arrive at the cross but never finalize and the locals who try to restart but without being able to hurt. In the last quarter of an hour, however, also thanks to some successful substitutions, Casalpusterlengo comes alive; at 30 ‘great action for the guests with Filippo Pezzi author of a great conclusion from outside the area, who parades to the left of the goalkeeper. A few seconds after Malatesta’s mistake in the postponement, the ball ends up again in Filippo Pezzi, who sends high. At 38 ‘inzuccata by Prig, Malatesta is decisive this time. Thus we arrive at the last, excited minutes of recovery already described, with the disputed reversal that confines Union Calcio still at the bottom of the standings and instead launches Casalpusterlengo in second place. –

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Daniela Scherrer

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