Home » Who will be the next Minister of Health? There is still a lot of uncertainty about the names but he will almost certainly not be a technician

Who will be the next Minister of Health? There is still a lot of uncertainty about the names but he will almost certainly not be a technician

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Who will be the next Minister of Health?  There is still a lot of uncertainty about the names but he will almost certainly not be a technician

by Giovanni Rodriquez

At the moment there has not yet been any official meeting to work on the division of the various ministries. However, we start from two certainties: Fratelli d’Italia from the top of its electoral result will coordinate the division of the dicasteries and the next will be a purely political government. Meloni will try to keep at least some of the most important ministries (Economy, Foreign Affairs, Defense and Interior) for himself. And in that case the Salute could go to FI or Lega. If, on the other hand, the box should go to FdI, there are two hypotheses on the table

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After the elections of last September 25, the operations for the allocation of seats in Parliament have been completed, discussions within the majority for the formation of the new government are starting, which should be ready for the oath at the Quirinale around the end of October.

At the moment, beyond the usual preliminary phone calls between the center-right leaders, there has not yet been any official meeting to work on the division of the various ministries.

However, we start from two certainties: Brothers of Italy will coordinate the mediation between the parties of the Center Right and the next will be a purely political government. The presence of ‘technicians’, in fact, according to what is learned from sources inside the party of Giorgia Meloni, it will be limited to the bare minimum precisely to mark a marked change of pace with respect to the previous legislatures.

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And for health? As we said for the moment, technical profiles are excluded, therefore hypotheses such as that of the director of the San Martino Polyclinic Hospital in Genoa seem to be setting, Matteo Bassetticirculated in recent weeks.

Much will then depend on the assignment of key inistries (Economics, Foreign Affairs, Interior, Defense). If Brothers of Italy were able to keep most of these dicasteries for themselves, either with their representatives or in any case by imposing names of their liking, the health ministry could in all probability go to one of the allied parties. Among the names on pole at the moment there are those of Luca Coletto for the League e Letizia Moratti for Forza Italia.

Coletto’s profile, however, could raise some problems. And this is because one of the first critical issues that the majority could face is that of differentiated regionalism for health care on which the push of the League is getting stronger. On this we know that the position of the Brothers of Italy is clearly contrary. As explained by their healthcare manager, Marcello Gemmatoin an interview with Health Newspaperthe current Title V should indeed be revised, but not to give a further push towards regional autonomy but rather to be able to have “a greater national direction” in terms of health.

And in this sense, having a Northern League health minister could be a problem. As for Moratti, his choice to Health could be useful to solve a problem for the next regional elections in Lombardy in 2023, given Moratti’s willingness to run for the presidency of the Region in contrast with the will of the League to confirm Attilio Fontana.

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But at the moment the niet of Moratti herself weighs on this option, recently reiterated on the eve of the elections. Also in contention Andrea Mandellipresident of Fofi, vice president of the outgoing chamber and health manager of Forza Italia, also esteemed among the leaguers.

If, on the other hand, in the round of the Brothers of Italy armchairs he were to be able to keep the Salute to himself, at that point among the candidates must certainly be counted Marcello Gemmato. In fact, his profile is not only political as he is the party’s health manager, but also ‘technical’ since he is a pharmacist. Gemmato also enjoys the esteem of Meloni.

Another name that is circulating in the FdI circles is that of Raffaele Fitto, currently a member of the European Parliament and one of the leading exponents of FdI in Puglia.

To begin to have a clearer picture of the situation, we will therefore have to wait for the next few weeks and observe what will happen in the management of the presidency of the two chambers. That will be the first internal confrontation with the new majority.

John Rodriguez

September 28, 2022
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