Home » Lombardia, Moratti attacks Fontana: “I was promised a handover”. The governor: “Clarify, with us or against us”

Lombardia, Moratti attacks Fontana: “I was promised a handover”. The governor: “Clarify, with us or against us”

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Lombardia, Moratti attacks Fontana: “I was promised a handover”.  The governor: “Clarify, with us or against us”

MILAN. Tension is growing in Lombardy in view of the regional next year, which are increasingly linked to the post-vote balance within the center-right and the birth of the new government. The League, weakened from the polls and increasingly nervous, after two months of skirmishes with the vice-president and councilor for Welfare Letizia Moratti, comes to brutally demand his resignation. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the interview given by the former mayor of Milan to Marco Damilano during the broadcast “The horse and the tower”.

Letizia Moratti, who in June announced that she was available to the center-right to succeed the Northern League player Attilio Fontana on the 35th floor of Palazzo Lombardia (while the League continues to invoke an encore for “its” governor), said on TV what he has been repeating for months: “I am in the field with a civic network but I am consistently waiting for a decision by the entire center-right coalition. I was called by President Fontana at a difficult time and I accepted out of responsibility and love for my region, with the parallel commitment of a handover at the end of the legislature ”. So you have said your definitive No to the hypothesis of a transfer to Rome: “A ministerial assignment? I would be honored but I would not accept. I think I can give greater added value here in my region ”.

The reaction of the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, lasts: “At this point it is I who ask Letizia Moratti for a clear and definitive clarification, starting from the next few hours: because it is one thing to engage in politics, another to play on the honorability of people and administrating without knowing which side you want to be on: with us or against us ». “Contrary to what you said, I never promised anyone a handover at the end of my term. It is a prerogative of the parties, then as now. It was neither then nor today in my availability », Fontana urged.

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The official reaction of the Carroccio is entrusted to the Lombard coordinator Fabrizio Cecchetti: “There is amazement and bewilderment for a councilor like Letizia Moratti who has worked and is working in a center-right junta, but who for months has announced that she wants to run as candidates with other parties, perhaps also supported by the left. Consistently, you draw the consequences immediately. With all the challenges that await the Lombardy Region in the coming months, we have no time to waste with doubts, controversies or personal ambitions. Forward with Attilio Fontana and his team, rewarded by over 50% of the votes also last Sunday. If anyone has changed your mind or team, step aside ”.

The tug-of-war has actually been dragging on for some time and was also at the center of the electoral campaign. The Lombard leaders of Fratelli d’Italia, starting with Ignazio La Russa and Daniela Santanchè, after all, have always left a window open to Moratti, also using Lombardy as a weapon to reply to Salvini’s attacks. Not to mention that the Terzo Polo, in the person of Carlo Calenda, has even since the spring expressed its interest in supporting a possible Moratti candidacy. The game, today more than ever, is in the hands of Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni. Not to mention that, whatever decision they make, they will still have to take into account the “Moratti variable”.

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