Home » From close contacts at school to hospitals: this is where the masks still remain from October 1st

From close contacts at school to hospitals: this is where the masks still remain from October 1st

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From close contacts at school to hospitals: this is where the masks still remain from October 1st

The end of the obligation of masks really seemed to have arrived everywhere starting from Saturday 1 October. And instead, even in the face of the increase in infections, the Ministry of Health has decided to extend this safety garrison in hospitals and RSAs for the elderly for another month (until the end of October). While the obligation will fall on public transport (trains, buses, ferries). The vaccination obligation for health personnel remains, in force, subject to changes, until December 31st Even if Marcello Gennato, head of health at Fratelli d’Italia, in an interview with ‘Repubblica’ pushes not to renew the obligation vaccination expiring at the end of the year.

Self-monitoring and FFp2 for close contacts

Not only. The indications contained in the Circular of 30/03/2022 “New ways of managing cases and close contacts in the COVID-19 case” remain in force. Nor are there any special measures for the school context. Also in this case the rules of the above circular apply. Therefore, anyone who has had close contact with confirmed positive SARS-CoV-2 subjects is subject to the self-surveillance regime, consisting in the obligation to wear an FFP2 mask until the tenth day following the date of the last close contact. If symptoms of possible Sars-Cov-2 infection occur during the self-monitoring period, an antigen or molecular test is recommended immediately, which in the event of a negative result must be repeated, if symptoms are still present, on the fifth day. following the date of the last contact.

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Mask until the end of October also at work

Finally, the obligation to wear a mask in private indoor workplaces still remains until 31 October in the absence of the distancing. And therefore, in principle, in the case of simultaneous sharing of the same workstation by two or more workers, whether located in single offices or in open spaces or within all company common spaces (e.g. reception, access gates, corridors, break areas, canteen, etc.) in all cases in which it is not possible to guarantee the spacing of 1 meter.

Green pass in hospital until the end of the year

There is also another restriction that remains in force until the end of the year, namely the one that provides that until December 31st the Green pass is still mandatory for healthcare workers, hospitalized patients, carers and visitors in hospitals and RSAs (residences for elderly): in fact, this measure involves the need to swab before entering a health facility.

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