Home » Inter at the foot of the Special One Roma flies thanks to Dybala

Inter at the foot of the Special One Roma flies thanks to Dybala

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Inter at the foot of the Special One Roma flies thanks to Dybala

The Nerazzurri are less than eight points from the top. Inzaghi: “Undeserved defeat”


A summer ago there was none other than him, the first name on the list of Inter reinforcements. The illusion became regret on the first autumn day of the championship, when Paulo Dybala began to build the third comeback suffered by the Nerazzurri team in the last four rounds, after those with Milan and Udinese. It was Joya who brought Roma back into the game after the initial advantage scored by Dimarco, a recovery completed by the overtaking on Smalling’s header.

A perfect nemesis for the Argentine, who chose Roma when the courtship of Inter evaporated following the choice considered safe to take back Lukaku, yesterday sitting in the court on the sidelines, still stopped due to a muscle injury from the time of indefinite recovery: the return of the Belgian striker is not sure even with Sassuolo in a week. Dybala, who later came out with cramps, made the gap between the bitter reality and what could have been for Inter even wider. His volley from Spinazzola’s cross surprised Handanovic, removing from the cover the beautiful story of the Milanese Dimarco, who scored his first goal at San Siro with the Nerazzurri shirt, 18 years after his debut in Inter’s Pulcini. Inzaghi’s team continued to push willingly more than ordered (Calhanoglu hit the crossbar on a free kick), showing themselves very vulnerable in defense: Bastoni and Skriniar regularly get rid of their opponents, as happened to the Italian with Dybala on 1- 1 and to Slovak with Smalling in the decisive action. Asllani tried not to make Brozovic regret the absence, but his teammates should look for him more.

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“It’s an undeserved defeat, it was our best performance of the season,” says Inzaghi. The numbers are merciless: only in the 2011-12 season (that of Ranieri instead of Gasperini) Inter had suffered four knockouts in the first eight days.

Barcelona arrives in the Champions League on Tuesday to make the path more complicated. This morning in Appiano Gentile the conditions of Lautaro who left the field a little tired will be examined. The federal inspectors, on the other hand, will have to evaluate the buu that rained from the Inter corner in the final against Camara. The great former Mourinho celebrates his first victory against Inter since he left the Nerazzurri bench. He conquered her as a suspended player, following her from the team bus and reaching the locker room at the end to hug his players. The Portuguese had chosen a very flexible strategy in attack with Dybala, Pellegrini and Zaniolo in continuous rotation in the positions of the trident to increase the confusion of Acerbi and his companions. Successful mission. Happiness belongs to Rome. Inter are unable to get out of one of the worst moments of recent years. –

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