Home » India, 4 Italian writers arrested for dirtying the Ahmedabad metro

India, 4 Italian writers arrested for dirtying the Ahmedabad metro

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India, 4 Italian writers arrested for dirtying the Ahmedabad metro

Four Italian writers were arrested in the Indian city of Ahmedabad for drawing graffiti on two subway carriages. The four graffiti artists are the 24 year old Gianluca Cudini from Tortoreto (Teramo), the 29 year old Baldo Sacha from Monte San Vito (Ancona), the 21 year old Daniele Stranieri from Spoltore (breaking latest news) and the 27 year old Paolo Capecci from Grottammare (Ascoli Piceno). The disputed events would have taken place on Saturday night, a few hours before the inauguration of a new branch of the subway by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The Indian media publish the photo of the four Italians inside a police station. The accusation for them is of having damaged public property, for a damage of 50 thousand rupees (about 600 euros) and of having entered areas off limits to the public. The writers are in India on a one-month tourist visa and arrived in Mumbai from Dubai last Wednesday. Police told the media that numerous spray cans of various colors were found in the apartment rented by the group, where they were tracked down by officers. According to an agent told the media, the writers claim to have drawn murals and tags “for fun” and that the word “Tas” means “tagliatelle alla salsa”. Most likely the four will be transferred to Mumbai where, according to what was documented by the subway security cameras, they had tried to perform similar gestures, without succeeding.

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