Home » All crazy for Kornetti: do you know what the new Kinder snacks really contain?

All crazy for Kornetti: do you know what the new Kinder snacks really contain?

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All crazy for Kornetti: do you know what the new Kinder snacks really contain?

Kinder has launched a new product, it is the Kornetti (with the K, it’s not a mistake!) With chocolate. Yet another snack that we did not feel the need at all, since it does not add anything new to the panorama of existing products

Among the novelties in terms of snacks, perhaps in the last period you have noticed the Kornetti Kinder, which the well-known chocolate brand launched in September (as if all the snacks and croissants already on the market were not enough).

In fact, Kinder has been offering new and attractive bakery products for some time, in order to reach an ever wider customer potential. The new Kornetti are two-colored, as they consist of a double dough (the white one made with wheat flour and the black one with cocoa). Inside there is a creamy chocolate filling.

But what do Kornetti Kinder really contain? We went to look for you on the official website of the brand the ingredients with which they are made and the nutritional values ​​of the product which, once again, does not substantially differ from other snacks already on the market.


This is the list of ingredients:

  • WHEAT flour (32%)
  • sugar
  • mother yeast 10.5% (WHEAT flour, water)
  • water
  • vegetable margarine [olio e grasso vegetali non idrogenati (girasole, palma), acqua, sale, emulsionanti (mono e digliceridi degli acidi grassi), correttore di acidità (acido citrico)]
  • EGG
  • egg yolk
  • anhydrous donkey
  • 3.5% extra chocolate (sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, emulsifiers: lecithins (SOY) vanillin)
  • Rehydrated MILK
  • non-hydrogenated vegetable oil and fat (sunflower, palm)
  • Powdered milk
  • cocoa powder
  • brewer’s yeast
  • aromas
  • emulsifiers (mono and diglycerides of fatty acids)
  • malted WHEAT flour
  • sale
  • BARLEY malt extract
  • thickeners (pectins)
  • vegetable proteins
  • dextrose
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Kornetti can also contain ALMONDS, HAZELNUTS, WALNUTS, Cashew NUTS, PECAN NUTS, BRAZIL NUTS, PISTACHIOS, MACADAMIA NUTS, MUSTARD. An important warning for those allergic to these foods.

The long list of ingredients already speaks for itself. Beyond the presence of mother yeast (an attempt to make the product more “artisanal”), these croissants are rich in sugar, unhealthy oils and fats, as well as thickeners, emulsifiers and other additives or flavorings.

A recipe far removed from that of a simple homemade croissant.

Nutritional table

The nutritional table can only reflect the presence of the ingredients listed above. Note the significant presence of fats and sugars.

nutritional table Kornetti Kinder


The judgments of those who have already tasted them

The first reviews of the product appeared on social media do not particularly enhance these croissants which, in the end, do not seem to have anything special compared to other snacks.

Consumers were particularly disappointed by the size of the product but also by the filling, much less “generous” than what appears on the package (but this is a classic!), As well as not particularly tasty.

There is also a slight alcoholic note that not everyone likes.

And there are those who have even decided to propose the recipe again, putting inside a “filling” worthy of the name!

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Fonte: Children

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