Home » New Government: from formation to settlement, all the stages on the calendar

New Government: from formation to settlement, all the stages on the calendar

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New Government: from formation to settlement, all the stages on the calendar

Today begins the crucial week for the formation of the new government. In fact, the official stages and foreseen by the time schedule for the formation of the executive begin, which will in all likelihood be led by the leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni.
The first step is scheduled for this morning, when the new deputies and the neosenators will enter the Chamber and the Senate: for them it will be a sort of first day of school. What they will do: they will first register, then they will submit to the usual photo for the parliamentary card and finally everyone will be assigned the personal account. The numbers: 400 elected to Montecitorio, 200 to Palazzo Madama.
The political day hour by hour
The other stages
The “magic date” for the start of the consultations is not yet certain: they can only be started with the election of the first tenants of Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama, which with the presidents of the parliamentary groups are the interlocutors of this very important phase that precedes the birth of the new government.
The presidents of the chambers
Their election represents the first fulfillment of the new Chambers, convened in their first session for the morning of October 13 (at 10 in the Chamber, at 10.30 in the Senate). Historically, the “white smoke” arrives first in the Senate and then in the House, often the next day.
At Montecitorio
The first session will be chaired by Ettore Rosato (Iv), senior vice president in the last legislature. The election of the president is triggered in the first three ballots only if a 2/3 majority is reached; starting from the fourth, an absolute majority is sufficient, equal to 201 votes.
In the Senate
The first session would be chaired by the life senator and former president of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, the oldest of the members of Palazzo Madama (from 1925). However, it seems excluded that Napolitano could fulfill this task due to his health conditions, so the provisional chairman would go to another senator for life, Liliana Segre, born in 1930. In the first two ballots (scheduled for the first session) to elect the president requires an absolute majority of votes of the members of the Assembly (104 including the senators for life). If this majority is not reached, a third vote is held on the following day in which the absolute majority of the votes of those present is sufficient, including the blank ballots. If in the third ballot no one has obtained this majority, the Senate proceeds on the same day to the ballot between the two candidates who obtained the highest number of votes in the previous ballot and the one who gets the most votes is proclaimed elected. In the event of a tie, the eldest candidate will be elected: on the basis of this rule, Carlo Scognamiglio prevailed over Giovanni Spadolini.
Parliamentary groups and group leaders
Within two days of the first session, the parliamentarians must declare which group they belong to: at that point the groups are summoned to elect their respective presidents.
The Prime Minister
Since the presidents of the two chambers have been elected, the outgoing president of the council can go up to the Quirinale to resign: he will remain in office for the handling of current affairs until the appointment and oath of the new government.
Consultations and new post of the new premier
Before the new office is entrusted to what could be the first female prime minister, there will be consultations by the Head of State. At that point the prime minister is entrusted with the task of forming a new government, suggesting the names of the ministers to be appointed. The reservations must be dissolved within 48 hours.
The dissolution of reserves and the new government
Once the consultations are over and if these have given a positive outcome, the premier returns to the Quirinale, dissolves the reservation and is appointed prime minister. Upon leaving the studio at the Vetrata and after the intervention of the Head of State, the new President of the Council reads the list of ministers. At this point the government is done.
Swear allegiance
The next step is the oath. “I swear to be loyal to the Republic, to loyally observe its Constitution and laws and to exercise my functions in the exclusive interest of the Nation.” This is the formula recited by the Prime Minister and the new executive.
The bell ceremony
Once the oath is over, the next and very symbolic step is the “bell ceremony”. On the first floor, in the Galer room, the outgoing premier hands the bell over to the new one, whose trill starts the meeting of the Council of Ministers.
The first session
The formal passing of the baton with the bell ceremony is a prelude to the first session of the Council of Ministers. The outgoing premier leaves Palazzo Chigi and the new one reunites the CDM for the first time: they are appointed Undersecretary to the Prime Minister and Secretary of the Council and delegations are assigned to ministers without portfolios. The government officially takes office. From this moment on, it can begin to pass decree-laws and bills, the main tools of its activity. Last step, trust. After the oath, the Prime Minister presents himself to the Chambers to ask for trust. 201 yes in the House and 104 yes in the Senate will suffice.

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