Home » Video Conference on Campus Safety and Epidemic Prevention and Control of the Education System of the Province Held_Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government

Video Conference on Campus Safety and Epidemic Prevention and Control of the Education System of the Province Held_Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government

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Video Conference on Campus Safety and Epidemic Prevention and Control of the Education System of the Province Held_Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government
Video Conference on Campus Safety and Epidemic Prevention and Control of the Education System of the Province Held_Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government

Fang Guanghua attended and delivered a speech


2022-10-12 06:45


Shaanxi Daily

On October 11, a video conference on campus safety and epidemic prevention and control of the province’s education system was held in Xi’an. Vice Governor Fang Guanghua attended and delivered a speech.

Fang Guanghua pointed out that the current situation of campus safety and epidemic prevention and control in the province’s education system is severe and complicated. All departments and schools at all levels must firmly establish safety awareness and effectively build a security and stability defense line on campus. It is necessary to focus on the key parts of the school and the safety around the campus, adhere to the combination of “civil defense, physical defense, and technical defense”, pay close attention to outstanding problems and weaknesses, and conduct a solid investigation and rectification of campus risks and hidden dangers on a school-by-school, item-by-item, and point-by-point basis. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the various work arrangements for epidemic prevention and control in the education system and territorial areas, coordinate the prevention and control of infectious diseases such as new coronary pneumonia, influenza, hemorrhagic fever, mumps, chickenpox, and tuberculosis in autumn and winter, and strictly implement normalized prevention and control measures. Large-scale gathering activities are held to promote the formation of a work situation in which each person fulfills his responsibilities and makes concerted efforts to manage them together. It is necessary to improve the ability to deal with emergencies, improve the emergency command mechanism and emergency plan, do a good job in emergency drills and personnel training, and deal with all kinds of emergencies in a timely and prudent manner, so as to ensure that there is no vacancy of responsibility for campus safety and stability, safety measures are implemented, and hidden risks are hidden. Control.(Reporter: Guo Yan)

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A video conference on campus safety and epidemic prevention and control work in the province’s education system was held




Shaanxi Daily


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