Home » San Giorgio, walks in the green on foot or by bicycle along the direction bealera

San Giorgio, walks in the green on foot or by bicycle along the direction bealera

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San Giorgio, walks in the green on foot or by bicycle along the direction bealera
One of the mouths

A wealth that the Municipalities of San Giorgio, Castellamonte, Agliè and Bairo also decline in the field of tourism enhancement. It is precisely the title of La regia bealera di Caluso, the project admitted to funding under the tender of the Gal Terre di Economusiva Inclusive, for the creation of naturalistic walks on foot, on horseback and by bicycle, and of cultural events along the stretch of the canal that crosses the four countries. The start of the works shortly, after the signing of a memorandum of understanding of the four Municipalities necessary for the management of the maintenance of the paths, partly already traced, and of the signs

SAN GIORGIO CANAVESE. Once upon a time there was the ancient Caluso bealera: the first hydraulic system derived from the Ogre, built in 1559 by the governor of Piedmont Charles Cossè de Brissac. Today it is called the state-owned Caluso canal (where the consortium that manages it is based) and continues to bring wealth to the lands it crosses.

A wealth that the Municipalities of San Giorgio, Castellamonte, Agliè and Bairo also decline in the field of tourism enhancement. It is precisely the title of La regia bealera di Caluso, the project admitted to funding under the tender of the Gal Terre di Economusiva Inclusive, for the creation of naturalistic walks on foot, on horseback and by bicycle, and of cultural events along the stretch of the canal that crosses the four countries. The start of the works shortly, after the signing of a memorandum of understanding of the four Municipalities necessary for the management of the maintenance of the paths, partly already traced, and of the signs. “Perhaps not everyone knows that along the San Giorgio course of the canal there are three galleries built by Napoleon – underlines the mayor of San Giorgio, Andrea Zanusso. And the so-called “iron wire” bridge is also of historical value. But until now there was no safe path for organizing walks and events. The first step of the project, nearing completion, was the hydraulic reorganization of the canal following the indications of the Consorzio del Canale di Caluso, the reconstruction of the banks and then the renaturalization of the green areas for the creation of cycle and pedestrian paths ». Other resources deriving from the Commerce District will allow the installation of ad hoc signs and totems in which to tell the story of the canal and the places it crosses. The Canal takes its name from Charles De Cossè de Brissac, the marshal of France and governor of Piedmont, who had it built starting in 1559. On the occasion of the celebrations for the 460 years of its entry into operation, the Piedmont Region, which the ownership had decided, for the body that takes care of its management, to restore the ancient name of Consorzio del Canale di Caluso. Before it was the Consortium of Canavese canals. 28 km long, from the power plant of the Spineto di Castellamonte hamlet to the Mandria di Chivasso, the De Brissac canal supplies water (it takes it from the Orco stream) for irrigation to 11 thousand hectares of fields, in an area of ​​19 municipalities.

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