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Back pain, 10 fitness exercises to get better – Beauty & Fitness

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Back pain, 10 fitness exercises to get better – Beauty & Fitness

Back pain is a nuisance shared by citizens all over the world. It is talked about on the occasion of World Spine Day, the world day dedicated to the health and well-being of the spine on 16 October. The latter was founded in 2008 by the World Chiropractic Foundation. In fact, in the US alone, 80% of adults have suffered or suffer from back pain. The situation is confirmed on the same wavelength also in Europe: according to what is indicated by a research carried out by the University of Greifswald, in Germany, back pain is the main health problem of German citizens with 25% of women and 17% of men who experience it daily. According to the Iberian radio station Cadena SER, however, 20% of the Spanish people currently live with this annoyance. And again, the ITV television network highlights the fact that 80% of the British population continually experience back pain on a daily basis and around 40% of the same sample even took time off work to take care of their back. And in Italy? OSS Informa highlights a worrying fact, according to which 97% of Italians suffer from it at least once in their life.
Even professional athletes are not immune to the classic backache: from golfer Tiger Woods and tennis player Serena Williams to Usain Bolt, the fastest man on the planet, and skier Lindsey Vonn. In addition, the hashtag #backpain goes crazy on social networks: in fact, there are over 2 million contents published on Instagram.
Is it possible to limit or even cure this disorder? The answer is yes and it comes from fitness experts who indicate a series of useful exercises to be performed continuously. Going more specifically, i ā€œfitness tips“They come from a made in Italy reality, namely Green Active, an innovative network that counts over 15 thousand trainers throughout Italy to carry out 360 Ā° training and rehabilitation sessions both remotely and in person. “Back pain is known to be one of the most widespread ailments in the world and we all suffer from it in the end – says Paolo Ciciani, kinesiologist and trainer of Green Active – Too frenetic rhythms, stress, work deadlines and workouts conducted on a non-continuous basis can worsen the situation. However, there are exercises useful to limit its effects such as the reverse crunch, on fitball and oblique, but also the “bird dog”, useful for working on mobility and coordination, and the inchworm, a valid alternative to the traditional plank useful for improving balance and stability of the body. Our luck, as a company in the sector, consists in the ability to help individual customers through the skills of various professional figures: from the kinesiologist to the supervisor up to the personal trainer who, step by step, evaluate the physical shape of the consumer, set goals. physical and accompany him from the beginning to the end of the rehabilitation process “.
Staying on the subject of advice, back pain can be treated through another expensive exercise, but, at the same time, also particularly effective. This is the “spiderman plank”: after positioning yourself on the ground, keeping your hands and legs apart in order to form an X, you need to keep your buttocks contracted. Then, one foot is lifted off the ground and you are left with only three points of support, bringing the knee towards the elbow on the same side. It is advisable to remain in this position for two seconds and, once back in the initial position, it is repeated, involving the other side of the body. From the spiderman plank to the “book crunch”. Also known as V-up, it makes the abdominals work a lot and is called in this way because it consists in closing the torso and the straight legs at the same time while remaining in a lying position. The path to discover the most effective exercises to combat back pain continues with the “balasana”, or the classic position of the child, which is very effective for relaxing the back and eliminating stress and fatigue accumulated over the previous days. And again, a real cure-all for the spine is the ā€œsupta matsyendrasanaā€, more commonly called supine torsion, because, thanks to it, the lumbar area relaxes and the tension of some parts of the body that are difficult to reach is released. Finally, here is a very common activity in the yoga centered world: it is the “upside down dog”. Its name derives from a habit of dear four-legged friends who, every morning, plant their front legs on the ground and lift their butt. They do it to stretch your back: this revitalizes the whole body and helps you to better face the day. For these reasons, the activity is also strongly recommended for humans. Here, then, is the top 10 of the most effective exercises recommended by fitness experts to treat back pain:

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1) Reverse Crunch: functional exercise for training the abdominals and strengthening the core, which is fundamental for the balance of the body and postural structure.

2) Crunch on fitball: the activity in question protects the back from any injuries caused by incorrect positions that can be assumed in everyday life or during workouts.

3) Oblique crunch: in this case the lats and abdominals are trained, which, if trained correctly, stabilize the spine and improve posture.

4) Bird Dog: mobility and coordination are the keywords that best describe this fitness exercise, which is an excellent ally to stabilize the vertebrae during movements that affect the upper body.

5) Inchworm: expensive and extremely effective, the inchworm trains and strengthens the body, working a lot on the back muscles.

6) Spiderman plank: this is an isometry exercise that involves a large part of the core and is considered a progression of the front plank because it gives mobility and extension to the whole body.

7) Booklet crunch: it is one of the hardest activities and, once trained regularly, it helps to reduce aches and pains that involve the lumbar area.

8) Balasana: thanks to the classic position of the child, tensions and stress accumulated during the week will be only a distant memory.

9) Supta Matsyendrasana: it is an optimal exercise to stretch parts of the body that are difficult to reach that are often neglected.

10) Dog upside down: there is no better morning activity to revitalize the body after a good sleep and prepare it better for the day.

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