Home » Focus on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China丨All walks of life in Hong Kong and Macau: new journey and new opportunities will be better tomorrow_Hangzhou Net

Focus on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China丨All walks of life in Hong Kong and Macau: new journey and new opportunities will be better tomorrow_Hangzhou Net

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Focus on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China丨All walks of life in Hong Kong and Macau: new journey and new opportunities will be better tomorrow_Hangzhou Net

Focus on the 20th 丨 All walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao: new journey and new opportunities will be better tomorrow

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2022-10-18 15:53

According to CCTV news client news, people from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macau said that the report of the 20th National Congress pointed out new directions and provided new opportunities for Hong Kong and Macau to better integrate into the overall development of the country. confidence.

Hong Kong grassroots community election committee member Lin Xiaohui: The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China provides clear guidelines for Hong Kong’s development and provides new opportunities for Hong Kong’s development. The next five years will be a critical period for Hong Kong to open up a new situation and achieve a new leap. We believe that in achieving the second place in my country On the new journey of a century-old goal, Hong Kong will surely be able to create even greater brilliance.

Wu Zhibin, Executive Vice President of Hong Kong Anhui Friendship Association: I firmly believe that under the guidance of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the full support of the central government, and under the principle of “patriots governing Hong Kong”, Hong Kong will surely emerge from the new stage of governance and prosperity. The acceleration of integrating into the overall development of the country will certainly contribute its own advantages and unique strengths in the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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He Xueqing, president of the Macau Federation of Trade Unions, representative of the National People’s Congress of the Macao region: General Secretary Xi Jinping comprehensively summarized the great achievements made in the past 10 years in the report, which is an inspiring and huge encouragement to our Chinese sons and daughters.

Zeng Tao, chairman of the Macau Young Civil Servants Association: As a public servant of the young generation of the SAR, it is the responsibility of the public servants to comprehensively, accurately and unswervingly implement the “one country, two systems” and “Macau people governing Macau” high degree of autonomy policy, and actively participate in the country’s development strategy, in order to promote “one country, two systems” The cause is stable and goes a long way to make due contributions.

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