Home » [Illustration of the Celestial Dynasty]In response to the Sitong Bridge protest, a “new toilet revolution” appeared in many cities – China Digital Times

[Illustration of the Celestial Dynasty]In response to the Sitong Bridge protest, a “new toilet revolution” appeared in many cities – China Digital Times

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[Illustration of the Celestial Dynasty]In response to the Sitong Bridge protest, a “new toilet revolution” appeared in many cities – China Digital Times

Background review: On October 13, on the eve of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a protest slogan was displayed on an elevated area of ​​Sitong Bridge, North Third Ring Road West Road, Haidian District, Beijing. The blue sign of the bridge hangs and unfolds, and a longer and larger banner reads two lines of text: “No nucleic acid, but no food, no blockade, freedom, no lie, dignity, no Cultural Revolution, reform, no leader, votes. , don’t be a slave, be a citizen.”, while another short banner read anti-Xi content – “strike to remove the dictator Xi Jinping”. (Related Reading)

Recently, some netizens have noticed that handwritten protest slogans have appeared in public toilets in many cities in China. The content of the slogans is basically related to the Sitong Bridge banner. This also shows that some netizens are responding offline to the Sitong Bridge Warriors’ protests. . As for why the slogans are concentrated in the toilet, some netizens believe that this is a protest participation method with low risk of action. The toilet is often a blind spot for monitoring, and it is difficult to investigate the source of the handwritten slogan.

The Toilet Revolution is a public toilet renovation and upgrading plan launched in mainland China. It was proposed by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and President of the People’s Republic of China in 2015. The original purpose was to promote the development of tourism by improving the quality of public toilets. (Wikipedia)

The “toilet revolution” has always been ridiculed by netizens as Xi Jinping’s first two terms of office, which barely benefited the people, and were able to achieve political achievements. Of course, there are many political shows in China that consume people’s fat and build luxury toilets. Some netizens borrowed the phrase “toilet revolution” and called this relay protest a “new toilet revolution”. However, some people have criticized the “new toilet revolution” as not being a real brave move, but this view has been refuted collectively. Opponents believe that it is precisely the low-risk and low-threshold protest that allows more ordinary people to participate in person and step out of the action. The first step is possible, and the number of people involved will also increase the cost of maintaining the stability of the state apparatus.

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The following are excerpts from the comments of netizens by the editor of China Digital Times:

guopuhua: There is no freedom of the press, all media are regulated, and high-tech means are used to monitor and suppress everyone’s words and deeds. The only way for ordinary people to speak their minds is to rely on the graffiti in the toilet. Will toilets become China’s democracy wall?

OI5JAYUlkk20u50: We need a toilet revolution! A two-dollar liner in a stationery store, in the only place that is not monitored – the toilet, spreads democratic ideas and makes reasonable demands! We don’t have to be like the Martyrs of Sitong Bridge, the toilet revolution is risk-free!

GaoFalin: After the Sitong Bridge incident, all bridges have urgently deployed “bridge watchers”. The day before yesterday, a netizen told: “New trend in class struggle: someone hung a familiar stuffed food on a tree in Jingshan Park.” So netizens roared and set up “tree watchers”. Then there were anti-nucleic acid slogans in the toilets – it is imperative to set up “toilet watchers” on duty. It has stimulated domestic demand and promoted employment.

YuquanYao: If things go on like this in the long run, it seems that it is not enough for Baozi to set up a post on the bridge! The toilet has become a blind spot for surveillance? The problem is how to solve the problem of toilet installation equipment, which involves the issue of personal gender privacy.

Zakun98: Nima made me laugh, the real toilet revolution.

DiavdZhang: It seems that Beijing is going to send another director of toilets to avoid a toilet revolution.

92XRBWxdJBMwVI8: If you stick to it, you will soon have a career as a toilet security guard.

fizzxbt: Starting from next week, you need to brush your face + real-name system for stationery to enter the public toilet.

zjsh88: There are fifty cents mocking #toiletrevolution, saying that there is no place to make trouble, so you can only hide from the toilet. I want to say that making a revolution is not shabby. It is okay for the countryside to surround the city, but it is not impossible for the toilet to overturn the bandits.

Tomchou68511789: Because they can’t catch people, they can’t kill them, so they can only be in a hurry! This is indeed a good method, we must vigorously promote it!

FhjfFreym: From now on, his name is inseparable from the toilet.

lotuuuuuuus: You will have to go through security checks when you enter the toilet in the future, so you are not allowed to bring pens.

O2supplier02: The time has come to test the tens of billions of surveillance investment by the Bandit Kingdom.

QwISgMSZbGnlS1p: Xi Wenni: Next step, all public toilets will cancel the stalls.

CDT file card

title:[Illustration of the Celestial Dynasty]In response to the Sitong Bridge protest, a “new toilet revolution” appeared in many cities
author:China’s digital age
Date of publication:2022.10.19
Subject classification:The new toilet revolution
CDS Collection:public hall
Copyright statement:The copyright of this work belongs to the original author. The China Digital Age archives only the originals to combat China’s online censorship. Detailed copyright notice.

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