Home » Draghi: European final in Rome? Not in a highly contagious country

Draghi: European final in Rome? Not in a highly contagious country

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The perspectives of the post-Covid recovery and the issue of migrants. These are the issues on the table of the joint press conference with the German chancellery Angela Merkel and the Italian premier Mario Draghi after the bilateral summit in view of the European Council to be held on 24 and 25 June (Thursday and Friday) in Brussels. But in the meeting with the press the theme of the European football championships and relations with Great Britain also bursts: the final of the tournament from Wembley to Rome? they ask Draghi: “I will do my best so that this is not done in countries with high infections”, his reply. On the situation of Covid Merkel and Draghi are “both cautious” said the Chancellor, “happy that there is a substantial improvement but it is a fragile progress. The vaccine quota is growing but it cannot yet be said that we are approaching herd immunity “also because we are” exposed to the new variants “.

Migrant files, mutual aid

Among the issues addressed there was, as mentioned, that of immigration. «Italy is a country of arrival, we are affected by secondary flows. We need to start acting from the countries of origin and we are in complete agreement with this management, “said the Chancellor. “In the discussions we have had – he added – there have been very few differences of opinion and it is a pleasant feeling”. For his part, Draghi confirmed that on the migrant dossier the commitment “is to help each other”. And he explained: “We have nearby views on the external dimension” of the theme.

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Yes to renewal of agreement with Turkey

Then there is the question of the relationship with Turkey. “We must open a perspective on the future, Turkey has every right to be supported” on the immigration dossier Merkel said, “we cannot go forward without cooperation with Turkey”. The head of the Italian government agrees: answering a question, Draghi replied with a “yes” to the renewal of the agreement with Ankara on cooperation on the immigration dossier.

Draghi: a deep, lasting and solid relationship with Germany

In the press conference that opened with a warm greeting from Merkel to the Italian Prime Minister (“It is not the first time that Mario Draghi is in Berlin but it is the first time that he is here as Prime Minister and I welcome him”) Draghi has underlined that «the relationship between Italy and Germany is deep, lasting and solid. They are two countries founded on Europeanism and Atlanticism. The positions towards the USA, Russia, China and North Africa are very close ”.

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Draghi: European final in Rome? Not in highly contagious countries

Draghi’s same answer to an off topic question on the hypothesis of moving the final of the European Football Championships from Wembley to Rome. “Yes, in working to ensure that the final of the Europeans does not take place in countries with high infections”.

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