Home » Government, unions in Meloni: “We will judge on the merits. Tackle emergencies together”

Government, unions in Meloni: “We will judge on the merits. Tackle emergencies together”

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Government, unions in Meloni: “We will judge on the merits. Tackle emergencies together”

The occasion is the demonstration on safety at work, but it is too tempting for thoughts and words not to rush towards Palazzo Chigi and the new Meloni government. From the unions comes an opening to the nascent executive, with the assurance that it will be judged on the facts, and a request for involvement.

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“We must together build a emergency government“to cope” with the escalation of food energy prices and the erosion of purchasing power. We must reduce inflation and avoid a new recession: this is why the goal is to govern the emergency and build together in social dialogue, participation and sharing a medium-long term perspective for the country, leveraging growth and relaunching investments. , on defense and the increase of jobs. “Thus the general secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra, on the sidelines of the event. On whose subject, accidents at work, he asks for “a national strategy that leverages on the one hand a strong repression activity, improving and strengthening the sanctioning system”.

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The general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini: “We will judge the government for what it will do. We expect to be involved and that before making decisions it discusses with the unions and the world of work. We expect it to give concrete answers to the problems that exist, starting with the emergency bills, income and pensions, too much precariousness “. And again: “It would be a serious mistake if he thought of tackling the problems against the world of work or without involving it. If he listens to us he will have our consent, if he goes somewhere else, as always, we will decide our positions”.

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To the Meloni government “we wish you a good job. This country needs to solve many problems, on these problems we are ready to give our contribution and our proposals”, said the general secretary of UIL, Pierpaolo Bombardieri: “We have been planning for some time now three unified platforms on work, welfare, pensions, tax reforms. We are ready to confront the government as soon as it calls us”, he added. And then he specified, in line with the other secretaries: “We are ready to confront the government as soon as he calls us. We will verify the facts. Today there is too much precarious, underpaid and unsafe work: 1,200 deaths a year. These are the issues. that we will bring to the new Minister of Labor, we will wait for his ideas and we will discuss “.

The challenge for the Meloni government will be to keep accounts discipline and aid together. According to the CGIA of Mestreto save the budgets of families and businesses it will be necessary to use at least 70 billion euros by the end of the year: 35 to halve the expensive bills and the same number, with the 2023 Budget law, to avoid revoking some measures introduced by the outgoing government from next January. The situation is critical – for the CGIA – the new executive will have to do the impossible to recover all these resources without resorting to an increase in the deficit, given that, at most, it will benefit from a “treasury” that could reach 25 billion euros. EUR. If it fails to recover another 45, there is a risk of a very complicated 2023. According to the latest forecasts, in fact, as many as 6 out of 10 provinces will record negative growth.

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