Home » West Bank, attack in Hebron: 2 dead and 3 injured. Killed the perpetrator

West Bank, attack in Hebron: 2 dead and 3 injured. Killed the perpetrator

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West Bank, attack in Hebron: 2 dead and 3 injured.  Killed the perpetrator

The death toll from a Palestinian attack on Israelis on the settlement of Kyriat Arba, near Hebron, is two dead and three wounded. According to the reconstruction of the agents, Muhammad Jabari, a Palestinian, entered the settlement through the Ashmoret passage. Here he shot a sixty-year-old man to death, taken to a hospital in Jerusalem, where he died of his injuries. Three other people were injured in the attack, one is in critical condition in a hospital in the holy city. Among these also a Palestinian who will be transferred into custody to the Palestinian Authority, for the treatment and follow-up of the case.

The attack took place not far from the home of parliamentarian and member of the Zionist party of Jewish Power Itman Ben Gvir. He is very popular with Zionists and has been accused of racism several times. He has repeatedly called for measures against Arab politicians. In recent weeks he has presented himself in Sheikh Jarrah, the neighborhood where Arab families have forced eviction to leave homes for Jews, while he brandished a gun, inciting officers to shoot Palestinians. In several messages posted on Twitter tonight, he complained that his family is under attack by terrorists, but the news was later denied by the security forces. For these, the attack was carried out against a military checkpoint near the settlement.

The attack was celebrated in several Arab cities of Israel and in some Palestinian territories.

According to police information, Muhammad Jabari is not a stranger. His brother Waal Jabari, is a member of the Hamas military wing and was released from prison in the 2011 exchange of prisoners, for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit who fell into the hands of Hamas and returned to Gaza. The attacker appears to be affiliated with Hamas’ al-Qassam brigades. He was killed by a security officer.

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A great manhunt is underway in the area, because the bomber does not seem to have acted alone. A group that appealed to Aswad a-Haq, part of the al-Qassam brigades, said in a statement that Jabari was part of their group but the attack was not decided by them.

Defense Prime Minister Benny Gantz held an emergency meeting with the security cabinet on the situation. Prime Minister Yair Lapid announced not only support for the security forces, but the dispatch of more troops to the area.

In the afternoon there were also clashes in Jerusalem, when an Arab set fire to Jewish cars in the Silwan neighborhood. In the evening in the Arab area of ​​the Mount of Olives, there were scuffles between the police and young Arabs.

In recent weeks, the Israeli army has carried out numerous raids, especially at night, in northern cities of Palestine, particularly in Hebron. Over 120 Palestinians died in the clashes, one of the worst tolls in several years.

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