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Dark circles, not just a blemish

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Dark circles, not just a blemish

Dark circles should never be underestimated, especially when they are dark: if you have strong pigmentation, it could depend on this

One of the great aesthetic imperfections are dark circles. Often these can be due to lack of sleep, or fatigue, or genetics.

Dark circles (web source)

In most cases, women try remedies for the signs of aging, they thus make use of the latest cosmetic products on the market. When, on the other hand, the problem is represented by eye bags, we never know how to intervene. In most cases, however, it would be enough to put into practice some tricks on our lifestyle. So adopt healthy habits and avoid fatty foods, alcohol, smoking, it would help a lot. Another cause could also be linked to vitamin deficiency.

Dark circles, however, should not be considered just one aesthetic defect, because when they are too dark they can also be a healthy alarm. We must first of all understand what the frequency is. If they are sporadic it could be stress or a few hours of sleep. If, on the other hand, it is chronic dark circles, it could be linked to chronic inflammation.

Dark circles: lack of vitamins

If we have very pigmented dark circles, it means that we need antioxidants. The vitamin we need are therefore C e K. If we want to assimilate them through food, we should consume a greater amount of kiwis, strawberries, citrus fruits, grapes, blueberries, lettuce, cauliflower and tomatoes. If we take them daily, we could really notice an improvement. Fruit vitamins usually have better assimilation.

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Lack of vitamin C or K: here are the symptoms

If we have vitamin C deficiency, we notice it mainly through the skin. This, in fact, will be a little rough, not smooth at all. In addition, many patches form. Also hair appears particularly dry and break easily. If the deficiency is excessive, they may redden or bleedAnd. If we have a wound, platelets hardly form to heal. The bones are also weak.

Black dark circles: here are the causes (source canva)
Black dark circles: here are the causes (source canva)

If, on the other hand, the vitamin K, Ihe situation becomes more delicate but above all more alarming, because it can be encountered bleeding. The intestines can also be affected, gastrointestinal discomfort and therefore black stools. But not only that, we could also find the presence of blood, both in the urine and in the feces. When vitamin K is lacking it is really dangerous, especially for newborns, because it can cause brain bleeding.

We often tend to underestimate them, but vitamins are really essential for daily needs.

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