Home » Regenerative medicine: how it works for skin and wrinkles

Regenerative medicine: how it works for skin and wrinkles

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Regenerative medicine: how it works for skin and wrinkles

What does regenerative medicine mean?

Regeneration: it is the key-word of the moment in the aesthetic medical field. Which means to exploit the the body’s natural ability to repair injuries due to the passage of time, directing the cells to improve the regeneration process. “With age and exposure to external agents the
skin gets rusty and lazy, losing its vitality, ”he explains Giuseppina Carrubbaaesthetic doctor in Milan and scientific director of the SkinFace company.

“The most recent studies have shown how important it is stimulate this activity to bring about a structural and aesthetic skin rebirth “. Which in other words means: greater firmness, hydration and elasticity. From these assumptions the new method was born Q-Age which aims, through the synergy of some latest generation techniques, to “awaken” the functioning of the mother cells, – which are those responsible for the production of collagen and elastin – so softwithout needles or scalpels.

The stages of regenerative medicine treatment

“The protocol is divided into two or three phases: it is the doctor who during the initial visit assesses the skin conditions of the patient and customize according to needs ”, continues the expert. “It starts with using a laser which, with a technology that exploits quantum energy at a controlled temperature of 50 degrees, performs an action tightening: a thermal effect is created which generates the contraction of collagen existing and the formation of the new one “. Then we move on to the use of specials magnets carrying out a massage along the lymphatic lines of the face and they are able to deeply penetrate the active ingredients they apply. “It is a cocktail that is defined as a ‘vitality activator’, that is to say vitamins and amino acids which, thanks to the magnetic effect, perfectly reach the deepest dermal states”. A bit like it would happen with a series of close injections, but without the hassle of the needle or any bruises, indeed, with the pleasure of a massage.

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The third phase, which completes the protocol but is not always necessary, exploits the principle of lipofilling: it consists in the application of proteins that are previously taken and selected by the patient and produce a filler effect, avoiding any risk of rejection, since it is a substance autologhethat is, of the patient herself.

What is the real benefit of Q-Age therapy?

“It comes from his approach, which is revolutionary: it acts not only on the skin but on fabrics in general, so it does not treat the single imperfection but the skin texture at 360 degrees”, Replies the doctor. “And, a not insignificant element, with the maximum comfort of the patient. They are usually recommended three to four sessions in a year for a correct aging management“. Take note of this term too: we will hear a lot about it.

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