Home » I had the fourth dose of anti-covid a month ago, do I still have to vaccinate with a direct vaccine against the latest variant?

I had the fourth dose of anti-covid a month ago, do I still have to vaccinate with a direct vaccine against the latest variant?

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I had the fourth dose of anti-covid a month ago, do I still have to vaccinate with a direct vaccine against the latest variant?

If you are a person over 60 or with a risk condition, you must wait 120 days after the last dose to receive the third booster dose. The vaccines used for the boosters are all up-to-date vaccines against the omicron variants (both omicron 1, omicron 4 and 5). To date, boosters, a few months after the last doses or the disease, are recommended because the antibody defenses tend to decrease over time. The hope is that in the future, as we do with influenza vaccines, we will have to repeat the vaccination every year and not every 4-5 months. This would be possible, however, only with a reduction in the circulation of the virus, when instead we know that the coronavirus is transmitted very quickly and even in summer. The more the virus is transmitted, the more the ability to give rise to variants increases and vaccination protection becomes less effective.

Send your questions to [email protected]

Michele Conversano is director of the Prevention Department of the Local Health Authority of the province of Taranto

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