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Is it flu or Covid-19? Here’s how to distinguish the symptoms and what to look out for

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Is it flu or Covid-19?  Here’s how to distinguish the symptoms and what to look out for

Autumn has arrived, albeit with temperatures above average. If we feel unwell, it is normal to wonder if it is flu or Covid.

This year will be the “Great comeback” of seasonal flu. After almost 3 years of Covid, here he reappears at our doors, and to avoid fears and fears we can learn to distinguish the symptoms.


Though temperatures are still mild on almost all of Italy it is a matter of time and the real cold will begin. Which will lead, as always, also the classical influenceo other viruses and para-flu symptoms. The “novelty” this year, however, is how to recognize them from Covid.

We report the expert adviceand invite you to don’t panic🇧🇷 Right Covid can do a lot of damage and even a flu can bring important health problems with it, especially in those at risk. But today we have cures for both diseases and thanks to the help of the doctors we can get through this winter too. Meanwhile we begin to understand the difference between the symptoms given by the flu and those of Covid.

Is it flu or Covid-19? Here’s how to distinguish the symptoms and what to look out for

The projections onincidence of influenza in this winter season 2022-2023 estimate at least 7 million cases. However, in line with what happened before the advent of Covid. We know that some strains of flu will soon arrive in our country and it is good not to be caught unprepared.

Per to protect ourselves as much as possible we have the simple but effective means of always available: the preparation of the organism with lots of vitamin C and foods / supplements that strengthen the defenses, personal hygiene and “layered” clothingwhich allows us to face the vagaries of the weather.

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If we feel unwell, it is possible that we have caught the flu or Covid, and distinguishing these two diseases can be difficult. They have indeed very similar symptoms. If in doubt, we can swab usso as to avert or confirm contagion from Covid-19.

The “classic” flu, if we can define it that way, is recognized by the following symptoms:

  • very fast onset of fever over 38 degrees;
  • related symptoms, such as muscle and / or joint pain;
  • respiratory system discomfort, such as stuffy nose or excessive mucus production

Along with the flu, during the winter, hundreds of other viruses are circulatingwhich can trigger simultaneously other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, sore throat or headache.

Il Covidalthough it can occur with slight differences in each person, it is generally distinguished by the following symptoms:

  • fever or absence of fever
  • weakness and asthenia
  • persistent cough
  • headache unusual or more persistent than usual

The course of the flu

Usually, a flu lasts a few days and is cured without the use of antibiotics but of medicines that soothe the symptoms. Medicines that must be prescribed by the attending physician, who knows the peculiarities and possible intolerances of each individual patient.

In any case, here’s what the WHO recommends. If we experience symptoms that are severe, or cause pain “never felt before”, chest pain or for any suspected medical emergencywe have to notify our doctor immediately Basic.

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies or publications in medical journals. Therefore, it does not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)

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