Home » Watch out for “fines on the fly”: here are the policemen with infrared goggles

Watch out for “fines on the fly”: here are the policemen with infrared goggles

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Watch out for “fines on the fly”: here are the policemen with infrared goggles

ROME – Are you often late with the payment of the car tax, the inspection, the RCA or other various deadlines concerning the four wheels? Watch out, because soon you may not get away with it. The Municipal Police is in fact about to adopt a type of infrared glasses capable of automatically reading the license plates and documents of vehicles in real time and, in the event of an infringement, immediately sending notifications over the air. The tool costs 1,000 euros per kit and the first to experiment with it will be the Municipality of Arezzo from 1 December.

Although it is not difficult to hypothesize that if the data confirm its effectiveness it will soon be adopted in other cities. The device is called laBGlass and consists of special glasses equipped with a visor and high-resolution cameras. In practice, the glasses have a license plate reader which sends the data to a normal smartphone but they also work with the aid of a 50-inch monitor which is projected directly onto the agent’s eyes. From here, a huge database will open which will provide all the relevant information in real time, which will be imprinted directly on the ocular visor.

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The check can also take place while moving, ie without the agent having to use his hands. The printer with which the instrument is equipped will allow you to have the report ready immediately. And not only in Italian but also in other languages, for example in the event that the sanctioned motorist is a tourist. Furthermore, in the event of road accidents, thanks to the laBGlasses glasses it will be possible to take photos and georeferential reports.

The experimentation of these ‘intelligent’ glasses will take place in three phases, from the bottom up to the most advanced version. The first will concern the reading of the license plates, then we will move on to that of the car documents, to arrive in the final phase at the possibility of immediate digital notification of the infringement via Pec or digital identity. In addition to being a new ‘weapon’ in the hands of the Municipal Police to punish road offenders, therefore, these new infrared glasses will also help institutions and citizens save on the costs of notifying sanctions.

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