Home » Crime in Perugia, Rudy Guede: “Not having done more to save Meredith is the weight I carry inside”

Crime in Perugia, Rudy Guede: “Not having done more to save Meredith is the weight I carry inside”

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Crime in Perugia, Rudy Guede: “Not having done more to save Meredith is the weight I carry inside”

UMBRIAN BASTIA (PERUGIA) – “Not having done more to save Meredith is the weight I carry within me, my guilt that I have somehow managed to forgive myself over the years”. Rudy Hermann Guedeat the premiere of his book The benefit of the doubtwritten together with the journalist Pierluigi Vitò and presented in the prison economics section of the event “Do the right thing”, taking place in Bastia Umbra, in the province of Perugia.

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