Home » Covid, Gimbe: ‘Hospitalizations (+9.8%) and intensive care (+21.7%)’ – breaking latest news

Covid, Gimbe: ‘Hospitalizations (+9.8%) and intensive care (+21.7%)’ – breaking latest news

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Covid, Gimbe: ‘Hospitalizations (+9.8%) and intensive care (+21.7%)’ – breaking latest news

Covid returns to worry. Hospitalizations are up intensive care (+21.7%) both in the medical area (+9.8%). The number of beds occupied in the critical area, from the minimum of 203 on 10 November, are a 247 on Nov. 17. In the medical area, after 6,347 on November 11, I am a 6,981 on November 17. This is what emerges from the independent monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation (11-17 November) which detects an increase in 15% of new infections (and 181mila a 208mila) it’s a drop in deaths: 533 (-2.9%), of which 23 from previous periods. “With the viral circulation on the rise, a plan for the winter is expected from the government,” said President Gimbe, Nino Cartabellotta.

Even if at the moment, continues the expert, it is impossible to make predictions about future scenarios, the data confirm a widespread one recovery of viral circulation, moreover underestimated due to the widespread use of ‘do-it-yourself’ tampons, of which an initial impact can already be glimpsed on hospitalizations in the medical area and in intensive care. At the same time we are witnessing a decrease in the administration of the fourth doses for the elderly and frail“. With the arrival of the cold months and permanence indoors, even without considering the possible emergence of variants capable of ‘undermining’ Omicron 5, the viral circulation is destined to increase, Cartabellotta points out. “And at the moment, despite the recent reassurances of the minister Schillaci in the Chamber, to date – affirms the president of Gimbe – all the ‘discontinuity’ actions by the Meloni Government have gone in the opposite direction to that suggested by the international public health authorities: that is, to be prepared and ready to face any new waves. The preparedness plan for the winter season is therefore expected from the Executive as soon as possible“.

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In particular in terms of pressure on hospitals, the national rate of occupancy by patients as of 17 November Covid is 11% in the medical area (from 6.1% in Sardinia to 30.4% in Umbria) and 2.5% in critical areas (from 0% in Basilicata, Molise and Valle D’Aosta to 4.6% in Emilia-Romagna) . “Daily admissions to intensive care are also increasing – notes Marco Mosti, operational director of the Gimbe Foundation – with a 7-day moving average of 31 admissions per day compared to 25 in the previous week”. Starting this week Gimbe tracking will be published every Monday.

The vaccines

On 18 November they were administered 4,783,386 fourth doses, with an average of 26,704 per day, down on the 30,319 of last week (-11.9%) and with a 25% national coverage (from 11.4% in Calabria to 37.7% in Piedmont). According to Gimbe, the audience for the second call is of 19.1 million people of which 12.6 million can receive it immediately, 1.7 are not eligible immediately because they have been healed for less than 120 days and 4.8 million have already received it. I’m 6.8 million people over 50 without even a dose of vaccine. Of these, at least 6.08 million are currently eligible for vaccination, equal to 10.5% of the audience (from 8.1% in Lazio to 14.1% in Valle D’Aosta); 0.72 million temporarily protected as recovered from Covid-19 for less than 180 days, equal to 1.3% of the audience (from 0.8% in Valle D’Aosta to 2.2% in Friuli Venezia-Giulia) .

Basically the new vaccinated are stable in the week of November 11-17: 1,239 compared to 1,258 in the previous week (-1.5%). Of these, 18.5% are in the 5-11 age group (229, with an increase of 10.1% compared to the previous week). Among the over 50s, who are more at risk of serious illness, the number of new vaccinated people is falling, which stands at an altitude 474 (-10.6% compared to the previous week. For the third dose, 40,326,299 third doses were administered on the morning of November 18, with a 7-day average of 2,945 administrations per day. Based on the official audience (47,703,593 ), updated to 20 May, the national coverage rate for third doses is 84.5%: from 78.5% in Sicily to 88.4% in Lombardy.

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I’m 7.38 million people who have not yet received the booster dose. Of these 5.31 million they can receive it immediately, equal to 11.1% of the audience (from 7.1% in Piedmont to 18.9% in Sicily); 2.07 million cannot receive it immediately as they have been healed for less than 120 days, equal to 4.3% of the audience (from 2.5% in Valle D’Aosta to 6.7% in Veneto). “No official data on the administration of the 5th dose is yet available”, concludes Gimbe.

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