Home » “Hundred Vatican Mangers Exhibition” under the Colonnade in St. Peter’s Square – Vatican News Vatican

“Hundred Vatican Mangers Exhibition” under the Colonnade in St. Peter’s Square – Vatican News Vatican

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“Hundred Vatican Mangers Exhibition” under the Colonnade in St. Peter’s Square – Vatican News Vatican

On December 8, the 5th International Christmas Manger Exhibition, promoted by the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Holy See, opened under the Bernini Colonnade in St. Peter’s Square. Archbishop Fisikeira said that the manger is a great project of evangelization.

(Vatican News Network) held the “Hundred Vatican Manger Exhibition” again this year, which collected Christmas mangers made by artists from all over the world. The exhibition, promoted by the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Holy See, was unveiled under the colonnade on the left side of St. Peter’s Square on the afternoon of December 8. It is open to the public from 10 am to 7 pm every day until January 8 next year. . Visitors can enter the exhibition hall free of charge and do not need to book a time.

A total of 120 Christmas mangers are on display this year, provided by various European countries, including Ukraine, Hungary and Slovenia. Mangers are made of different materials such as newspaper, cloth, cork, wood, porcelain and earthenware. Most of the mangers were conceived on the theme of present challenges and crises, showing the environment of the war zone, one example of which is the manger provided by the diocese of Donetsk, Ukraine. The Nativity is placed in the basement of a building reminiscent of the steel works of the city of Mariupol.

The climate emergency and the tragedy of Mediterranean migrants are also prominently featured in this year’s manger exhibit, as in Rome’s Fondazione romana Villa Maraini Onlus, a manger set to help drug-addicted children Drug rehab center.

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Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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