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Covid and flu, Donini: “Pressure on hospitals, peak at Christmas”

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Covid and flu, Donini: “Pressure on hospitals, peak at Christmas”

Editorial board
December 10, 2022 5:47 pm

A particularly aggressive seasonal flu combined with covid infections stress Emilia-Romagna hospitals: “The situation today is obviously expanding as regards both infections and hospitalizations for Covid, associated with a flu wave that seems a little more acute of previous seasonal viruses. This also entails pressure on hospitals, which are organizing themselves to give adequate responses to citizens in terms of taking charge, assistance and treatment”.

Coronavirus, weekly update: data in Bologna and Emilia-Romagna

The regional councilor for health, Raffaele Donini, said this this morning on the sidelines of an initiative in San Lazzaro. It is therefore a “further test of stress and difficulty that we have to manage and we are doing it by coordinating between different structures for the entire metropolitan area of ​​Bologna and for the region”, continues Donini. “The peak is expected between Christmas and after, let’s say between mid-December and mid-January, but now it’s not that the situation is light – underlines the councilor – because there are many people at home with the flu and some of these also need of hospital care, so we are gearing up to deal with this type of concomitance which was generally not such an acute emergency but which, associated with the resumption of Covid infections and the shortage of personnel which persists above all on the medical side, but not only, he’s working hard. But we’re getting organized to handle this too”.

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Are you more worried about Covid or the flu? “The association between the two types of viruses is worrying, because the flu is quite widespread and in any case it is not trivial – Donini remarks – and Covid is also recovering infections and hospitalizations, therefore the two associated things put pressure on the hospital wards that we are managing not without difficulty, but still leveraging all the synergies that we can put in place at the metropolitan and regional level”. As for the possibility of returning to the Covid wards, “someone is inevitably recovering, because when there are so many patients with the same characteristic of pathology – says the councilor – some wings or wards are standing up, but for now we are continuing to manage patients carefully for the reason they are hospitalized, because many have been hospitalized not because of Covid but later discovering positive. (Say)

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