Home » Eba: “More profitable banks but now the slowdown in GDP is coming”

Eba: “More profitable banks but now the slowdown in GDP is coming”

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Eba: “More profitable banks but now the slowdown in GDP is coming”

ServiceEuropean supervision

The transparency exercise of the European Authority: credit risk increases. In the report, Italian institutes promoted for profitability and operating costs

by Isabella Bufacchi

European banks are more profitable, with Roe (Return on equity) which rose to 7.8% in June 2022 compared to 7.4% a year earlier: but “it remains to be seen how this profitability will evolve in a context of lower GDP growth and rate hikes which raise the risks of credit and widen spreads». The warning came from the European Banking Authority, one of the main messages of the exercise on transparency which looks at structural problems and next year’s trends.

The numbers


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