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what is it for and contraindications

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what is it for and contraindications

The curcuma has carved out, in recent years, a place of honor among the so-called superfood (come alga spirulina, ginger, semi of chia, moringaetc.) thanks to his numerous beneficial properties for human health. Used since ancient times in ayurvedic medicine and in cuisine of oriental countriesthis spice is now widely known in Western countries as well.

The characteristics of the plant

The Turmeric is long is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows spontaneously in the countries of theSouth Asia (from India to Malaysia), in Africa and in tropical areas characterized by high temperatures and high rainfall. If you have a green thumb, you can grow it Turmeric is long in homeplanting it in spring and with some precautions.

This plant – also known as “Indian saffron” – should only be kept outside in the summer, as suffer a lot from the cold and prefers a warm, humid climate. The part of the plant that is used for food and cosmetic use is the rootconsisting of a large cylindrical rhizome from golden yellow or intense orange colour. The shape of the root remember ginger. The color inside, however, saffron. Il taste is delicate but pungent.

Where to buy turmeric root

The curcuma it can be consumed in various ways. You can buy the fresh root and grate itafter having carefully washed it, directly on the dishes (for example on the salads). You can buy it online, in ethnic or organic food shops or by ordering it from your trusted greengrocer. Fifty grams of fresh turmeric root cost approx 2 euro.

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Per make this spice more assimilable from the organism, eat it together with some food categories:

  1. foods rich in “good” fats (including the Omega 3), such as extra virgin olive oil, avocado, flaxseed oil, salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, etc.;
  2. black pepper (the piperine contained in it improves the absorption of turmeric up to 2000%);
  3. pineapple (thanks to an enzyme contained in the pineapple fruit and stem, bromelain);
  4. foods they contain quercetin (an important flavonoid), including red onions, radishes, green tea, capers, red grapes, apples, citrus fruits, etc.

The fresh root it tends to lose its aroma quickly, so it’s best if you buy it in small quantities. You can store fresh root in an airtight container, in the fridge.

Turmeric powder

The turmeric powderon the other hand, has slightly lower nutritional values ​​than the fresh root, but it keeps longer and is very versatile for use in the kitchen. The advice, if you choose it in powder form, is to use it after cooking to avoid the dispersion of nutrients.

You can buy it (preferably organic) at supermarket and in ethnic or organic products shops. A pack of one hundred grams of good quality turmeric powder costs around 4 euros. On the market you can find, then, edible essential oil of turmeric. As the name suggests, it is indicated for both external and food use.

You can buy it online, in herbal medicine and in the best-stocked pharmacies. A 10 ml dropper bottle of organic turmeric essential oil costs around 20 euros. Finally, you can purchase one of several supplements based on turmeric, in capsules or tablets, available on the market, according to your specific health needs.

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The benefits of turmeric

Turmeric yes, therefore, but always respecting the recommended dosewhich swings between 2 and 4 grams (in powder) per day, which equals two level teaspoons. The beneficial properties of this spice are truly numerous, thanks above all to its most important active ingredient: the curcumin. Turmeric has multiple actions: anticancer, antioxidant, digestive, healing, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, pain reliever and antidepressant.

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In detail:

  1. contributes to stomach health, liver e intestine;
  2. counteracts the formation of “bad” cholesterol;
  3. relieve i pains joint;
  4. strengthen the system immune and helps the body detoxify;
  5. helps prevent premature aging;
  6. helps relieve menstrual crampscolitis, headache and migraine, fibromyalgia;
  7. helps to prevent diabetes type 2;
  8. accelerate the scarring of wounds;
  9. facilitateselimination of abdominal fat;
  10. it is indicated for the treatment of burns and insect bites;
  11. it is a panacea for the memory;
  12. it’s a antidepressant and a natural stress reliever;
  13. helps to delay and fight some brain diseasesincluding Alzheimer’s and dementia;
  14. is effective against cystitis e candida;
  15. it is used to treat some skin diseases, including psoriasis.


In some cases, however, taking this spice is not recommended. Turmeric is first of all contraindicated during pregnancy and thefeeding time. More generally, if you exceed the recommended daily dose, you may incur gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea or diarrhoea.

Finally, if you suffer from these ailments, you should consult your doctor before taking turmeric:

  1. problems coagulation of blood;
  2. calculationsocclusions or other pathologies affecting the biliary tract;
  3. problems at gallbladder.

Turmeric: what it cures and how it can be used

How to use turmeric in cooking

Turmeric is among the basic ingredients of curry and numerous recipes of oriental cuisine. You can use it as a coloring and flavoring in the preparation of Vegan mayonnaise and in other sauces to accompany meat and fish.

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The “Indian saffron” is also excellent for the preparation of sweet creams, ice creams, puddings and in bread doughs, focaccias, cakes, biscuits and other bakery products. In many foods you buy at the supermarket (soups, gravies, cheeses, etc.), turmeric is used as an ingredient natural dye (the acronym is E100).

Among the beneficial drinks that you have surely heard of is then the golden milk (“golden milk”). Prepare with water, latte (vaccine or vegetable), curcuma in powder, miele or agave syrup, a pinch of black pepper. Golden milk has an enveloping taste and an antioxidant, immunostimulant and digestive action.

If you prefer the classic herbal teait will be useful especially in case of cold. To prepare it, you need 500 ml of boiling water, in which to dissolve and mix two teaspoons of turmeric powder, the juice of a lemon slice, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of black pepper. You can drink one or two cups a day.

Finally, in the summer, you can replace the herbal tea with some fresh smoothies to be flavored with a pinch of turmeric (to be poured into the blender together with the other ingredients).

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