Home » Cabrini writes to Vialli: “My friend, don’t give up”

Cabrini writes to Vialli: “My friend, don’t give up”

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Cabrini writes to Vialli: “My friend, don’t give up”

The world champion full-back has entrusted the Province of Cremona with an open letter for his former partner who is struggling with the disease

Former national team mates, former Juventus players, but above all from Cremona and old friends. Gianluca Vialli’s temporary farewell to the national team for health reasons prompted Antonio Cabrini to write him a letter published by the Province of Cremona. There are anecdotes related to football, such as when Antonio reveals Vialli’s non-arrival at Juve: “Do you remember? It was 1984 and the good games you played in the Cremonese shirt made you a market man, the object of desire of two of the most important clubs at the time: Sampdoria of the president Paolo Mantovani and Juventus of the Agnelli family. Giampiero Boniperti, the president of the Juventus club, wanted to take you at all costs. In the end, despite the insistence of the lawyer and of Boniperti, you chose Sampdoria, of the president Mantovani”.

Or the expedition to Mexico 86: “We were the reigning champions, after the great feat of 1982, but we were unable to repeat ourselves, surrendering to France in the round of 16. That adventure wasn’t particularly lucky for the national team, but it allowed us to find ourselves side by side, after the years of childhood in Cremona: our parents were friends and among us kids you were the youngest, our puppy”.

I wish

And finally the wish that comes from the heart: “Since two weeks ago a fourth, the T of Tugnàss, was added to the historic three Ts of Cremona – Turòn, Toràs and… Tetàss – I say that we should add a fifth, the T for Testòòn. Because we from Cremona are big-headed, we have a hard head and never give up. When I played, they called me “Chel che sburla anca quand finìs el camp”, the one who runs even when the field ends. The same applies to you , Luca: keep running, keep pushing. Because the field never ends. I tell you from my heart, with the friendship that has always bound us: come on, my friend. Antonio”

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