Home » You can find it in raw fish, be careful when you eat it: it never dies

You can find it in raw fish, be careful when you eat it: it never dies

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You can find it in raw fish, be careful when you eat it: it never dies

Everyone is crazy about raw fish, but do you know what can be inside it? You have to pay close attention to your health

Raw fish (Canva) – OrizzontEnergia.it


Il raw fish it is one of the foods that has had great success and exploits in recent years. Thanks to the ever stronger love for oriental cuisine, Italians have learned to eat and appreciate dishes that are not exactly typical of their tradition. It is evident with the skyrocketing number of Japanese restaurants in which it is mainly served sushi e sashimipreparations based on raw fish precisely.

In these cases it is always better to choose products of the highest quality and worked to perfection, paying close attention when you want to prepare raw fish at home. There are, in fact, gods risks related to its hiring that jeopardize ours salute. It’s about bacteria and parasites which should never be underestimated. We explain everything in detail.

Raw fish: here’s what it can contain and why it’s dangerous

Salmonella health risk sashimi
Sashimi (Canva) – OrizzontEnergia.it

Il raw fishbefore being eaten, it needs to undergo a special treatment: the felling. What’s it about? In keeping it at very low temperatures so that the parasites that are inside are completely disintegrated. It concerns in particular theanisakis which, from the intestine, sneaks into the flesh of the fish when it is caught and dies.

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Precisely for this reason, by blast chilling the fish at a temperature of -30° C for at least 18 hours, the parasite disappears. The thing is quite different, however, for i bacteria that do not die with either low or high temperatures. It is the case of salmonella that does not die either with the cold or even with the heat. What happens in these cases? It is very bad but not everyone knows that they are fighting with salmonella.

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When all this happens, in fact, a real one occurs food poisoning, salmonellosis which in many cases is not recognized or underestimated believing that the symptoms are linked to other ailments and do not go to the doctor. For this reason, according to the data, each case of salmonellosis found hides at least 30 other unidentified and confirmed ones. So be careful with the consumption of raw fish. No one forbids it, but the essential thing is to always eat it with due precautions to avoid health problems, sometimes even very serious ones.

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