Home » Promote the green transformation of economic and social development, and propose to increase financial support for green development for three consecutive years

Promote the green transformation of economic and social development, and propose to increase financial support for green development for three consecutive years

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Promote the green transformation of economic and social development, and propose to increase financial support for green development for three consecutive years

Promote the green transformation of economic and social development, and propose to increase financial support for green development for three consecutive years

Beijing News Shell Finance News (Reporter Cheng Weimiao) According to Xinhua News Agency on December 16, the Central Economic Work Conference will be held in Beijing from December 15 to 16. The meeting proposed to promote the green transformation of economic and social development, coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, growth, and build a beautiful China. Guide financial institutions to increase support for small and micro enterprises, technological innovation, green development and other fields. According to statistics from the Beijing News, this is the third consecutive year that financial support for green development has been mentioned. In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, “promoting green development” is also a separate article.

Chang Jiwen, deputy director of the Resource and Environmental Policy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said that green transformation is a task that must be carried out for my country to pursue a high-quality development path. Great achievements have been made in the past few years, but there are still some weak links. First, the capacity for transformation in some places is insufficient. The main reason is that some areas with poor economic foundation, lack of characteristic industries and advantageous industries, and insufficient technology and talent reserves lead to weak overall competitiveness. Some areas still rely or hope to rely on real estate to drive the economy. There are still some difficulties in carrying out green transformation in these areas. .

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Second, there are some weak links in the aspect of “building first and breaking later”. The first is the “establishment first and then destruction” of economic industries. In some places, the foundation is weak, new industries have not yet developed, and traditional industries are eager to shut down, resulting in the phenomenon of “sluggish” industrial development. The second is to “establish first and then destroy” energy. To carry out green transformation, we must vigorously develop new green and low-carbon energy. However, the construction of wind power stations, photovoltaic power stations, energy storage facilities, power grids and other related infrastructure is huge. It can be fully realized overnight. In this long-term process, we must continue to play the role of clean and efficient use of coal in ensuring energy supply.

He said that the pace of transformation must be constantly adjusted scientifically in light of the ever-changing international and domestic situations, and that overall progress should be made steadily.

In terms of financial support for green development, at present, my country has gradually established a relatively comprehensive green financial ecosystem, and the scale of green credit and green bonds ranks among the top in the world. Regarding how finance can better serve green development, Liu Qiao, dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, believes that on the one hand, it is to provide funds, and on the other hand, it is necessary to use the ability of price discovery. He suggested increasing the types of financial products in the carbon trading market in an appropriate and orderly manner, because financial products will reflect the real cost of carbon emissions during the transaction process, which is conducive to the formation of an effective carbon price to guide carbon emissions.

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Some people in the banking industry also said that the green financial development system is still insufficient, and some problems need to be researched and solved quickly. The core is to transform the bank’s own operation and management system, and promote the role of green finance by improving its own professionalism. ESG business evaluation, industry standards, data statistics, risk management, and information disclosure form a supporting system that is conducive to the development of green finance.

The Central Economic Work Conference also mentioned that we should speed up the construction of a modern industrial system, identify key core technologies and weak links in parts and components, and accelerate the development and application of cutting-edge technologies such as new energy, artificial intelligence, bio-manufacturing, green and low-carbon, and quantum computing. In the press release of last year’s meeting, there was also a statement that “we must pay close attention to tackling key problems in green and low-carbon technologies”. In addition, this year’s carbon peak carbon neutrality work implementation opinions also mentioned technical research issues.

Yin Haitao, deputy dean of the Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, analyzed that the technology layout in the green and low-carbon field will almost always cover three major parts, namely reduction, substitution and capture. Reduction and energy saving are the most important, and it is necessary to control the energy consumption per unit output value of industries such as industry and construction through energy reduction technologies. Secondly, it is necessary to deploy renewable energy and make breakthroughs in some key technologies. Such as light energy and wind energy are not stable and intermittent, so energy storage technology becomes particularly important. The last is carbon capture at the end.

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Cheng Weimiao, editor of Beijing News Zero Carbon Research Institute, promises proofreading, Fu Chunmin

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