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Twitter has rejected Elon Musk

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Twitter has rejected Elon Musk

“Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will stick to the results of this survey. This is Elon Musk’s question to social media users. And the answer? Probably yes.

At the end of weeks of controversy after his “conquest” of Twitter – with dismissals, resignations and changes of course – the latest gimmick by Elon Musk, who was in Doha with Jared Kushner to watch the soccer World Cup final, is submit to the vote of users of the social network, asking in an online survey whether it should abandon the leadership of Twitter.

A few hours after the end of the consultation, the “voice” of Twitter seems to reject it. With over 13 million votes cast, 56% of the answers are yes. The founder of Tesla has undertaken to respect the outcome of the consultation but after the first indications – clearly negative on his work – he has already posted two rather polemical tweets: the first says «as the proverb goes, be careful what you wish for, because you could get it», while in the second he writes that «those who want power are the ones who least deserve it». And the wording of Musk’s question is rather vague: speaking of “leading” Twitter, it is not clear whether he is referring to his role as CEO or owner of the social network. The acquisition of which is digging – for the flight of investors and debt management costs – a hole in the assets of what remains the richest man in the world.

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