Home » Ferrari Bravo: «The evening Ztl in Feltre would be penalizing»

Ferrari Bravo: «The evening Ztl in Feltre would be penalizing»

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Ferrari Bravo: «The evening Ztl in Feltre would be penalizing»

A restricted traffic zone would have penalized the vitality of the historical centre, which is already suffering. “Traffic cannot be limited after 8pm, if you want to keep the premises, the activities, but also the theater when it reopens to the public and what concerns cultural life”. Nicolò Ferrari Bravo, owner of Unisono, is convinced of this, a place that combines catering with the vocation of promoting music inside Palazzo Guarnieri, in Piazza Maggiore.

Everything was practically ready from a technical point of view, but the number plate control cameras will remain off. «I would also be in favor of the Ztl, but not as it was thought with the closure to transit for unauthorized vehicles in the evening and the opening for everyone during the day», observes the owner and artistic director of Unison, commenting on the decision of the administration to drop the plan.

«The project remains unfinished, an effort has been made and it is a pity. It had to be reviewed and corrected, without closing during the night, while a limitation during the day would be useful, because people still need to be encouraged to move in an alternative way to the car», continues Nicolò Ferrari Bravo in his reasoning.

“But at the same time as the limitations, effective aids must be made available, because otherwise there is only a closure and at that point it is worse than everything,” he underlines. «The difficulty is that Feltre has an uphill historic centre, so we need to provide an alternative in terms of access, which is not the current one of the lift from Campogiorgio, which has problems with water infiltration, very complicated maintenance and periods that are too long closing times», argues the owner of Unison.

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«I would try to find funds to build an escalator that starts from Pra’ del Moro, on the model of Lambioi in Belluno», he adds. «I am of the opinion that the lift, which is fundamental and which has been lacking in recent months, is not the right solution. People need to have a large place to park and it’s not the one in Campogiorgio, where moreover there is a market twice a week, while the parking lots in Pra’ del Moro and Pra’ del Vescovo would absorb a good number of cars. A mechanized lift system to get to the castle, which is the most beautiful part of the city, would have been the right thing».

The goldsmith Sergio Innocente also makes a consideration, from his workshop inside the Cingolani buildings overlooking Piazza Maggiore. “Restrictions with electronic gates would further worsen the already little movement that there is in the historic center, apart from when there are demonstrations in which it comes back to life a bit,” he comments. «Without looking at the political color of the choices, nor making any controversy, as a craftsman I need the customers to arrive».

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